There are a number of steps which Foundation School Directors and their local Foundation Programme Training Directors can take to encourage tasters in their Foundation Schools.
Foundation School Directors (FSD)
- Ensure tasters are promoted to FDs at their induction and throughout their Foundation training.
- Promote the development of registers of tasters within the programme/school
- Include information about availability of local tasters on their School web pages
- Work with the regional career leads and programme directors of specialty schools to identify specialties/locations which might be encouraged to promote and develop tasters. These might include those specialties with recruitment challenges or those where career enquiries have regularly been made.
- Consider supporting local arrangements if necessary to facilitate “borrowing” of up to 5 days study leave from the F2 year for F1 doctors.
Foundation Programme Training Directors (FPTD)
- Maintain an up-to-date local register of tasters
- Ensure all taster experiences have an agreed timetable and clearly defined objectives
- Discuss tasters with FDs early in their F1 year and encourage them to plan them into their timetable/rota
- Encourage FDs to complete a reflection at the end of the taster period in the appropriate form in their e-portfolio
- Develop a feedback process and review post-taster evaluations to ensure they are meeting the needs of FD
- Link with other taster providers to identify good practice and any barriers to successful experience
- Feed back to FSDs on tasters delivered and outcomes
- In exceptional circumstances, liaise with other local FPTDs to arrange access to tasters for FDs from nearby hospitals, for example, if FD has interest in specialty not available in their location