Resources Resources General resources CareersInformation and signposting to support career development for doctors before, during and after the foundation programme National Foundation Doctors Presentation Day (NFDPD)Info about this annual event showcasing the achievements of foundation doctors ReportsReports on activities undertaken by the UK Foundation Programme Office, including recruitment Stats and Facts UKFPO FellowshipInformation on the UKFPO Fellowship, including guidelines, selection criteria and timeline WebinarsRecordings of webinars run by the UKFPO, as well as a schedule of upcoming webinars Applicant resources AppealsGuidance on UKFPO appeals processes, including timelines and forms to complete to submit an appeal Preference informed allocation (PIA)Information about the preferenced informed allocation process Preparing for F1Helpful tip, advice and information from foundation doctors on how to prepare to start foundation Situational Judgement Test (SJT)Information on the SJT for the F2 stand-alone programme Supporting Trainees Entering Practice (STEP)Guidance and forms for STEP Information for refereesCommonly asked questions for providing a reference on Oriel Foundation doctor and faculty resources Giving feedbackGuidance and resources on good quality feedback for foundation doctors Inter-foundation school transfer processGuidance and forms for IFST ReflectionInformation and resources about reflective practice in the foundation programme ResearchFoundation Programme specific published research articles, resources, and how to access foundation doctors for research SCRIPT – Safe pre-scribing eLearning programmeFind out more information on this programme Supporting inclusion and equityGuidance on supporting inclusion and equity for supervisors and Foundation Programme Directors (FPDs). Sustainability and quality improvementGuidance and resources for foundation doctors to get involved with sustainability and QI initiatives Sharing best practicePresentations, resources and information on examples of best practice in the foundation programme, and signposting to helpful links Standard rotation datesGuidance and examples of standard placement start and end dates for UK foundation doctors The clinical supervisorGuidance, forms and resources on the role of the clinical supervisor and their interactions with foundation doctors The educational supervisorGuidance, forms and resources on the role of the educational supervisor and their interactions with foundation doctors Archived resources