2 Year Foundation Programme FAQs

Visit this section regularly to see the new frequently asked questions posted. Our questions are split into groups to make them easier to view.


– UK medical school graduates who have been nominated by their medical school.

– UK medical school graduates who graduated more than two years before the start of the programme who have applied through the UKFPO’s Eligibility process and their application has been deemed eligible.

– Applicants who have graduated from a non-UK medical school who have applied through the UKFPO’s Eligibility process and their application has been deemed eligible.

Applicants will either be nominated by a UK medical school or through the UKFPO’s Eligibility process (refer to separate guidance on the Eligibility page). You will need to submit an online application through Oriel.

All applications must be submitted through Oriel (the national online application system). Applicants can access Oriel via https://www.oriel.nhs.uk. Applicants should start their applications early to allow sufficient time to complete the necessary sections of the application form and to gather evidence in support of their application.

Once you have been nominated and have registered on Oriel, or deemed eligible thorugh the UKFPO’s Eligibility process, you will need to search for the Foundation Programme (FP) vacancy.

No. The Situational Judgement Test (SJT) is no longer part of the FP application process and no FP applicant is required to sit it.

Yes. If the names given on your passport, eligibility application form, medical school degree certificate and Dean’s Statement do not match, you must upload documentation to Oriel confirming an official name change (for example, a copy of your marriage certificate or divorce decree certificate).

You must complete all documentation and the online applications using the same name, in the same format each time it is shown. For example, if your name is written as John Smith on the eligibility application form, then it must appear that way in all future documentation and correspondence, not as Jonathan Smith, John A Smith, JA Smith, Smith John, etc. The name you record on your online eligibility application form must match the name on your passport.

If you have dual nationality / multi citizenship, please ensure that you complete the online Oriel application with information on the most relevant nationality regarding providing evidence of your right to work in the UK and upload the relevant passport / ID card. 

Yes. You will need to apply through the UKFPO’s eligibility process first over the summer months. Please refer to the Eligibility Applicant Guidance on the Eligibility page.

Yes. You can link your FP application to that of another applicant to request you are both allocated to the same UoA. You can only link to one other applicant. Refer to the UKFP applicant guides for details of the application and allocation process for linked applicants.

Links will not be considered if either applicant accepts an SFP or FPP offer.

If you link with someone who is subsequently approved for pre-allocation to a UoA based on personal circumstances, your link will be broken.

Links will be broken if your UoA preferences (ranking of foundation schools) are not in the same order as each other. You can both update your preferences once you have submitted your applications, but these must be in the same order as each other.

Follow the instructions, in the Guidance on How to Apply to the Foundation Programme, to link your application to another applicant.

Most UoAs honour linked applications at the programme group match stage (if they use groups). Refer to local foundation school guidance to understand the process in your allocated foundation school. It is not possible to use linking to be placed into the same programme as your partner.

No. This will have no bearing on your allocation to a foundation school via PIA, nor on your computer-generated rank. No part of an application from any previous recruitment round is carried over.

No, you will need to apply through the UKFPO’s eligibility process.

You will have an opportunity to indicate that you would like to work on the less than full-time basis on your application form. Please speak to your foundation school at the earliest opportunity once you have been allocated.

The allocation process has changed for the Foundation Programme starting in August 2024. See the Applicant Guide to UKFP 2024 Allocation on our UKFP page.

Following the national allocation process, local foundation schools manage the process of group/programme matching. Applicants should check the websites of each foundation school to familiarise themselves with local matching processes.

You can appeal against national elements of the application process. This includes appeals relating to the UKFPO’s Eligibility process, clinical assessment, pre-allocation and the SFP process. You can view the processes on our Appeals page.

You must contact your allocated foundation school at the earliest convenience and request for your application to be withdrawn. If you choose to withdraw your application, you will not be able to work as a doctor in the UK with provisional registration under the GMC guidelines. You will need to apply to the UKFP again the following year.

Referees will be able to submit references online through Oriel in March and April. After this time, your foundation school and/or employing organisation will chase referees for references. It is not a problem if your referees do not complete a reference online.

You will not be eligible to commence foundation training and your application will need to be withdrawn. You will be able to apply the following year, providing you have graduated by then.

Everyone has to apply through Oriel. You can contact the UKFPO team directly for further advice and support in your application via helpdesk@foundationprogramme.nhs.uk.

Applicants deemed eligible to apply to the UKFP must submit an FP application in the autumn to enter the FP allocation process.

If your application has been deemed eligible with conditions, the condition(s) must be met. You must also meet all requirements of the person specification.

If you are required to pass PLAB, you must pass both PLAB 1 and PLAB 2 by the deadlines specified.

You will need to ensure you have the right to work in the UK.

Once you have been nominated and have registered on Oriel, or deemed eligible through the UKFPO’s Eligibility process, you will need to search for and apply to the Foundation Programme (FP) vacancy (once it is open). You will be able to indicate on your application form for FP if you wish to be considered for less than full-time (LTFT) training and will later be able to apply for LTFT training directly with your allocated foundation school.

You can also apply for Specialised Foundation Programmes (SFP) and Foundation Priority Programmes (FPP) through the main FP vacancy. You will need to rank programmes once you have submitted your application form. You should rank only the programmes you wish to be considered for, for example, those that offer less than full-time models of working. Programmes you would not accept should be listed in the ‘not wanted’ column.

All foundation schools offer LTFT working options. Review foundation school websites for their local process for applying for LTFT training.

Disclaimer for Right to Work Information

Although every effort has been made to ensure that this guidance is accurate and up-to date at the time of publication, the right for non-UK nationals to work in the UK is governed by legislation which may change from time to time, and is ultimately a matter for Parliament and the courts. The UKFPO accepts no responsibility or liability where the content of this guidance is relied upon and later found to be inaccurate, or legislation is changed. You are advised to check the up-to-date position using the web links provided.

UK Home Office

Applying to work as a European doctor in the UK

Immigration rules and the points-based system

The UK’s points-based immigration system – further details

Settlement and permanent residency

EU or EEA family permit

UK ancestry

Family members of EEA citizens

If you do not want to accept the programme you have been matched to, you will need to withdraw your application from the FP process entirely and reapply next year. If you wish to accept the programme you have been matched to, there is nothing further you need to do.

More information is on our 2 Year Foundation Programmes page.