Foundation Priority Programme (FPP)

FPPs have been developed to support specific areas of the UK that have historically found it difficult to attract and retain doctors through the foundation and specialty recruitment processes. The main aim is to maximise the opportunity for applicants who wish to be in less popular areas and therefore improve supply for specialty training and beyond. Many FPPs are specifically designed to attract and retain doctors in remote, rural and coastal geographies, under-doctored geographies and shortage specialties, and offer a range of incentives. 

Preliminary analysis shows that FPPs do help in recruiting to areas of the UK that have traditionally seen low fill rates; further analysis and subsequent refinement of offerings will take place in due course. 

Applicants are required to visit individual foundation school websites to view information about the FPP programmes that are available in each region.

How to apply for FPP

All applicants interested in applying for Foundation Priority Programmes (FPPs) must apply for the main Foundation Programme (FP). They can then choose to apply for Foundation Priority Programmes in addition to the main Foundation Programme.

Applicants should refer to the following guidance documents and supporting information which can be found on the Foundation Programme page.

  • Application Timeline
  • Applicant Handbook
  • How to apply to the Foundation Programme guidance
  • Applicant Guide to the Pre-allocation process (if applicable)
  • Applicant Guide to Allocation – Preference Informed Allocation

FPP applicants rank individual priority programmes once they submit their application form and before national allocation to FP. Offers to specific FPPs will be made before national allocation to foundation schools.

Programmes summary

FPPs offer a range of opportunities such as:

  • Leadership and management programmes
  • Medical education, teaching or simulation opportunities
  • Academic/research experience (not SFP posts)
  • Digital Health and Entrepreneurship opportunities
  • Additional qualifications e.g. Postgraduate Certificate (PGCert)
  • Quality improvement projects or teaching roles
  • Financial Incentives
  • Experience in remote and rural areas
  • Support with accommodation and innovative rotas
  • FPPs that specifically support/are tailored to less than full-time training
  • Generalism/Enhance programmes
  • Longitudinal integrated foundation training (LIFT)
  • Longer programmes (up to three years) that provide opportunities to undertake additional training or train more flexibly and provide geographic stability for those that desire it.
  • Enhanced exposure to certain specialties e.g. General Practice, Intensive Care, Stroke Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Oral and Maxillo-facial Surgery, Paediatrics, Pathology, Pre-hospital Care, Psychiatry, Respiratory Medicine

Foundation schools offering FPP programmes

Applicants should visit local foundation school websites for details of individual priority programmes including information about the incentives offered and the employing organisations.

The following foundation schools offer priority programmes:

100 x FPP posts are available for UKFP 2024. Details can be found on the East of England website.
Numbers TBC for 2025

8 x FPP posts are available for UKFP 2024. Details can be found on the Kent, Surrey and Sussex website
Numbers TBC for 2025

33 x FPPs posts are available for UKFP 2024. Details can be found on the Leicestershire, Northamptonshire and Rutland (LNR) website.
Numbers TBC for 2025

49 x FPP posts are available for UKFP 2024. Details can be found on the Northern website.
Numbers TBC for 2025

1 x FPP posts is available for UKFP 2024. Details can be found on the North West website.
Numbers TBC for 2025

10 x FPP posts are available for UKFP 2024. Details can be found on the Peninsula website.
Numbers TBC for 2025

63 x FPP posts are available for UKFP 2024. Details can be found on the Scotland website.
Numbers TBC for 2025

3 x FPP posts are available for UKFP 2024. Details can be found on the Severn website.
Numbers TBC for 2025

9 x FPP posts are available for UKFP 2024. Details can be found on the West Midlands North website.
Numbers TBC for 2025

9 x FPP posts are available for UKFP 2024. Details can be found on the West Midlands South website.
Numbers TBC for 2025

18 x FPP posts are available for UKFP 2024. Details can be found on the Wales website.
Numbers TBC for 2025

1 x FPP post is available for UKFP 2024. Details can be found on the Wessex website.
Numbers TBC for 2025

37 x FPP posts are available for UKFP 2024. Details can be found on the Yorkshire and Humber website.
Numbers TBC for 2025

The following foundation schools DO NOT offer priority programmes:

  • London
  • Northern Ireland
  • Oxford
  • Trent
  • West Midlands Central

Application and offers process

Applicants should refer to the UKFP 2024 How to apply to the Foundation Programme guide for information about how to submit an application for FP and FPP on the Oriel application system.

The application window opens 20 September 2023 (09:00 BST) and closes 04 October 2023 (12:00 midday BST). Late applications will not be accepted under any circumstances.

Refer to the UKFP 2024 Application Timeline for all FPP related deadlines.

Refer to the UKFP 2024 How to apply to the Foundation Programme guide for information about how and when to rank your FPP programme preferences on the Oriel application system.

Applicants are not required to preference all the available programmes for FPP. You should preference only the programmes you are prepared to accept an offer for.

Applicants are not required to attend an interview for FPP.

The Foundation Priority Programme (FPP) will use a computer-generated rank for the offers process. This will be a different rank from the one generated for the main Foundation Programme. Offers will be made based on the computer-generated rank and FPP programme preferences.

Applicants have 48-hours to either accept or decline offers for FPP (no upgrades will be offered).

Refer to the UKFP 2024 How to apply to the Foundation Programme guide for information about the offers process for FPP.

Still have questions? See our FPP FAQ