Curriculum and Assessment FAQs

Foundation doctors should complete one summary narrative for each of the 3 HLOs, approximately 300 words per HLO. Have a look at examples of summary narratives, a YouTube intro video and a factsheet on our Curriculum page. The Summary Narrative need to be completed by ARCP submission date.

The summary narrative is a live/working document and foundation doctors should start/update their narratives towards the end of each placement. It is for the foundation doctor to critically appraise their placement/year. The summary narrative is not pass/fail but formative; it is another form of reflection.

The collection of rater feedback works in a similar way, but the information that is collected, and its purpose, is different. The development of the PSG feedback process has been driven by foundation doctors. Foundation doctors fed back that the TAB gives them feedback on their general behaviours, and they also wanted something that gives them feedback on their competence as a doctor and how well they understand clinical aspects/situations. The PSG facilitates this sort of feedback.

No, but ideally at least 3 colleagues will contribute. The clinical supervisor can ask senior nursing staff, senior consultants, GPs, or other members of the multidisciplinary team. The PSG is driven by the supervisor (not the foundation doctor) and the information gathered can help inform the end of placement report.

The PSG is initiated and managed by the clinical supervisor. While the CS and their supervisee should discuss who the PSG members are, it is the CS’s decision who they invite to feedback.

Yes, supervisors can request for additional TABs or PSGs during the year.

The TAB/PSG should be completed near the end of the placement it is relevant to (and not carried over to the next placement).

– Foundation doctors should aim to get their TAB completed in either placement one or two.

– CSs should aim to complete a PSG feedback round for their supervisees in either placement one or two.

This will allow foundation doctors and their supervisors to address any issue(s) in placement three of each year of training – the third placement can be used as remediation.

Some placements are ideally set up for PSG, for example in General Practice a foundation doctor will work directly with a group of trainers. Foundation doctors can have a TAB and PSG in the same placement, but this will be dependent upon how the placement is set up.

Supervisors are required to monitor, comment on and close (when appropriate) any attention items/concerns raised about a foundation doctor in their e-portfolio. Closed items will remain on a foundation doctor’s record. Each e-portfolio system provides support on their website on how to use the attention items/concerns feature.

More information on our Curriculum page.