UKFP 2025 Application Timeline

This timeline provides key dates and deadlines for application to the 2-year Foundation Programme and Foundation Priority Programme.

Non-urgent advice: Important information regarding release of timeline dates

Please note that the application timeline for UKFP 2025 will be released on an incremental basis. Refer to the website regularly to ensure that you are viewing the most up-to-date information.
The application window for UKFP 2025 will openĀ 25 September 2024 and close 09 October 2024 (12:00 midday BST).

03 – 24 July 2024 (12:00 midday BST)
Applicants who are required to apply via the Eligibility route must complete and submit an Eligibility application form on Oriel. Information about the eligibility criteria and a timeline for the Eligibility application process can be found on the Eligibility Applications page.

If you are a UK medical student expecting to qualify by 05 August 2025, OR you qualified from a UK medical school on or after 06 August 2023, you do not need to submit an Eligibility application.

Guidance and forms to support the 2025 application process will be published to applicants.

17 September 2024 (09:00 BST)
Registration opens on the Oriel application system for applicants. Registration emails will be sent to nominated applicants from UK medical schools at 09:00 (BST). Applicants should note that this email may take some time to appear in their inbox.

25 September 2024
The national application window for FP and FPP programmes opens on 25 September and closes 09 October 2024 (12:00 midday BST). Applications for the 2-year Foundation Programme and Foundation Priority Programmes must be submitted during this window.

Applications for pre-allocation must also be submitted on Oriel between 25 September – 09 October 2024 (12:00 midday BST).

09 October 2024 (12:00 midday BST)

The national application window for FP and FPP programmes closes at 12:00 midday BST on 09 October 2024.

Late applications and offline applications will not be accepted. Applicants who do not submit their application on Oriel by the national deadline of 09 October 2024 (12:00 midday BST) will not be granted an extension to do so, under any circumstances. (This includes partially completed applications). Applications can only be submitted on Oriel and through the 2025 FP vacancy.

28 November 2024

Pre-Allocation application outcomes released to applicants.


09 January 2025 (12:00 midday GMT)

Deadline for applicants to preference Foundation Priority Programmes (FPP) OR to completely withdraw FPP application on Oriel.

22 January 2025

Round 1 – Foundation Priority Programme offers released (applicants have 48 hours to accept/reject offer).

27 January 2025

Round 2 – Foundation Priority Programme offers released (applicants have 48 hours to accept/reject offer).

29 January 2025

Round 3 – Foundation Priority Programme offers released (applicants have 48 hours to accept/reject offer).

03 February 2025

Round 4 – Foundation Priority Programme offers released (applicants have 48 hours to accept/reject offer).

12 February 2025 (12:00 midday GMT)

Deadline for applicants to rank and amend Foundation School preferences for the main Foundation Programme on Oriel.

12 February 2025 (12:00 midday GMT)

Deadline for applicants to withdraw from the pre-allocation process. Applicants must refer to the withdrawal process within the pre-allocation guidance and submit a withdrawal form by this deadline.

Date TBC

Allocation to a Foundation School