The Prescribing Safety Assessment (PSA) has been developed jointly by the British Pharmacological Society (BPS) and MSC Assessment. It is intended to be a valid and reliable tool allowing medical graduates and foundation doctors to demonstrate that they have achieved the core prescribing competencies outlined in Outcomes for graduates (originally published in Tomorrow’s Doctors).
All F1 doctors are required to pass the PSA to be awarded a Foundation Year 1 Certificate of Completion (F1CC) at the end of the first year of the foundation programme.
It is also considered best practice for all F2 stand-alone doctors to undertake and pass the PSA. Any F2 doctor who has not passed the PSA before starting work is encouraged to undertake the exam during their F2 year.
F2 doctors who have previously completed a recognised F1 training programme since August 2016 (when this requirement was first introduced for F1) will have been required to pass the PSA in order to achieve F1 sign-off and will therefore not be required to undertake the exam again during F2.