Curriculum resource

The below resources highlight the national guidance and protocols available to support each of the curriculum’s foundation professional capabilities (FPCs). It lists many of the freely available evidence-based resources, including helpful web links and guidance notes. It draws on a range of sources including elfh, British Medical Journal (BMJ) and There are a wealth of resources available to help consolidate and develop knowledge and skills to deliver safe and effective patient care. This resource lists many of those freely available evidence-based resources. Logins are required for all sites.

This resource aims to assist foundation doctors, clinical supervisors, educational supervisors and other key members involved in delivering foundation training, in improving their knowledge and understanding of the generic and clinical topics as set out in the foundation programme curriculum 2021; it is important to note however, that this resource does not provide additional information underpinning every element of becoming a successful doctor. This resource is not exhaustive but highlights national guidance and protocols available to support each of the curriculum’s FPCs.

HLO 1: An accountable, capable and compassionate doctor

FPC1: Clinical assessment

Assess patient needs in a variety of clinical settings including acute, non-acute and community

Medication History Taking and Prescribing on Admission

Selection of Investigations

Interpretation of Investigations: Practical Application

Managing Low Urine Output

Managing Sepsis

Assessment and Initial Management

Re-evaluation and Monitoring

Arterial Blood Gas Sampling and Interpretation

Patient with a Reduced Level of Consciousness

Pain Management

Oxygen Therapy

NICE IV Fluid – Assessment

NICE IV Fluid – Principles and Five Rs

NICE IV Fluid – Properties

NICE IV Fluid – More Complex Scenarios

NICE IV Fluid – When It Goes Wrong

Prescription Writing

BNF Usage and Other Prescribing Information Sources

Safe Use of Injectable Medicines (Part 1)

Safe Use of Injectable Medicines (Part 2)

Safe Anticoagulation

Safe Prescribing in Renal Impairment

Prudent Use of Antibiotics (Part 1)

Prudent Use of Antibiotics (Part 2)

Prudent Use of Antibiotics (Part 3)

Safe Prescribing of Insulin

Adverse Drug Effects

Safer Medicine Use Through Concordance

Introduction to Frailty





Managing Self Harm

Mental Health Act

Psychiatric Assessment and Mental State Examination

Delirium (Acute Confusional States): Recognition and Causes

Delirium (Acute Confusional States): Diagnosis and Management

Pyschotic Disorders


Bipolar Affective Disorder

Personality Disorder

Eating Disorders; Anorexia and Bulimia

Assessing Mental Capacity

Planning Ahead Using the MCA

Best Interests


Deprivation of Liberty

Discussing ‘Do Not Attempt CPR’ Decisions

Am I Dying How Long have I Got Handling Challenging Questions

Recognising the Last Months and Days of Life and Verifying Death

Symptom Management for the Dying Adult: Pain, and Nausea and Vomiting

Symptom Management for the Dying Adult: Respiratory Symptoms, Diabetes Control and Anticipatory Prescribing

Mental Capacity Act and Death Certification

Medically Unexplained Symptoms

Safe Practice the Doctors Perspective

Medical Error: When Things Go Wrong

Hospital Acquired Fever: What to do if MRSA Positive

Hospital Acquired Fever with MRSA: What to do Next

Infection Control: Diarrhoea in an Inpatient

Infection Control: Air and Blood Borne Pathogens

Infection Control: Modes of Transmission

Communication Skills

Breaking Bad News

Bereavement Process

Cultural and Religious Diversity and Bereavement

Management of Substance Misuse

Management of Alcohol Misuse

Confidentiality and Privacy

Nutrition and Health

Nutritional Assessment

Options for Nutritional Care

Multi-Disciplinary Discharge Planning

Impact of Short-term and Long-Term Physical Problems on Daily Living

Assessment of Ability to Self Care after Discharge

Family Dynamics Affecting Discharge

Management of Long Term Disease in the Community

Alcohol Facts

Alcohol IBA – Assessment

Managing Obesity: Guiding and Enabling Behaviour Change

Understanding Eating Disorders – Signs, Symptoms and Causes

Understanding Eating Disorders – Practical Requirements

Safe Prescribing and VTE Scenario

Blood Transfusion and Consent Scenario

How to Take a History Red Eye

Red Eye Case Study 1

What is MECC and why is it important?

How to Have a MECC Conversation


Safeguarding Adults – Level 2

Safeguarding Children – Level 1

Safeguarding Children – Level 2

FPC2: Clinical prioritisation

Recognise and, where appropriate, initiate urgent treatment of deterioration in physical and mental health

Assessment and Initial Management

Re-evaluation and Monitoring

Arterial Blood Gas Sampling and Interpretation

Patient with a Reduced Level of Consciousness

Pain Management

Oxygen Therapy

Managing Low Urine Output

Managing Sepsis

NICE IV Fluid – Assessment

NICE IV Fluid – Principles and Five Rs

NICE IV Fluid – Properties

NICE IV Fluid – More Complex Scenarios

NICE IV Fluid – When It Goes Wrong

Selection of Investigations

Interpretation of Investigations: Practical Application

Managing Self Harm

Self Harm Assessment

Mental Health Act

Psychiatric Assessment and Mental State Examination

Delirium (Acute Confusional States): Recognition and Causes

Delirium (Acute Confusional States): Diagnosis and Management

Pyschotic Disorders


Bipolar Affective Disorder

Personality Disorder

Eating Disorders; Anorexia and Bulimia

Prescription Writing


Bipolar Affective Disorder

Personality Disorder

Eating Disorders; Anorexia and Bulimia

Prescription Writing

BNF Usage and Other Prescribing Information Sources

Safe Use of Injectable Medicines (Part 1)

Safe Use of Injectable Medicines (Part 2)

Safe Anticoagulation

Safe Prescribing in Renal Impairment

Prudent Use of Antibiotics (Part 1)

Prudent Use of Antibiotics (Part 2)

Prudent Use of Antibiotics (Part 3)

Safe Prescribing of Insulin

Adverse Drug Effects

Safer Medicine Use Through Concordance

Introduction to Frailty





Competency in Practice

Senior Advice Who When and Why?

Senior Advice: When to Stop for Help

Medical Error: When Things Go Wrong

Hospital Acquired Fever: What to do if MRSA Positive

Hospital Acquired Fever with MRSA: What to do Next

Infection Control: Diarrhoea in an Inpatient

Infection Control: Air and Blood Borne Pathogens

Infection Control: Modes of Transmission

HIV Testing

Communication Skills

Breaking Bad News

Bereavement Process

Cultural and Religious Diversity and Bereavement

Good Handover Practice

Management of Substance Misuse

Management of Alcohol Misuse

Understanding Eating Disorders – Signs, Symptoms and Causes

Understanding Eating Disorders – Practical Requirements

Safe Prescribing and VTE Scenario

Blood Transfusion and Consent Scenario

How to Take a History Red Eye

Red Eye Case Study 1

Patient Autonomy and Related Ethics

Confidentiality and Privacy

Nutrition and Health

Nutritional Assessment

Options for Nutritional Care

Handling Complaints

Medically unexplained symptoms

VTE Prevention in Secondary Care

FPC3: Holistic planning

Diagnose and formulate treatment plans (with appropriate supervision) that include ethical consideration of the physical, psychological and social needs of the patient

Selection of Investigations

Interpretation of Investigations: Practical Application

Keeping the Patient at the Centre of Care

Seeing the Whole Picture

Prescription Writing

BNF Usage and Other Prescribing Information Sources

Safe Use of Injectable Medicines (Part 1)

Safe Use of Injectable Medicines (Part 2)

Safe Anticoagulation

Safe Prescribing in Renal Impairment

Prudent Use of Antibiotics (Part 1)

Prudent Use of Antibiotics (Part 2)

Prudent Use of Antibiotics (Part 3)

Safe Prescribing of Insulin

Adverse Drug Effects

Safer Medicine Use Through Concordance

Communication Skills

Breaking Bad News

Effective Referrals to Other Clinical Teams

Holding an Outpatient Consultation

Safe Practice the Doctors Perspective

Infection Control: Modes of Transmission

Risk Factors in Disease

HIV Testing

Organ Donation and Related Communication Skills

Bereavement Process

Cultural and Religious Diversity and Bereavement

Good Handover Practice

How to get the best from laboratory and imaging services

Discharge planning: engaging therapists and social services

Management of Substance Misuse

Management of Alcohol Misuse

Patient Autonomy and Related Ethics

Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults

Confidentiality and Privacy


Bipolar Affective Disorder

Managing Low Urine Output

Managing Sepsis

Assessment and Initial Management

Re-evaluation and Monitoring

Arterial Blood Gas Sampling and Interpretation

Patient with a Reduced Level of Consciousness

Pain Management

Oxygen Therapy

Nutrition and Health

Nutritional Assessment

Options for Nutritional Care

Handling Complaints

Multi-Disciplinary Discharge Planning

Impact of Short-term and Long-Term Physical Problems on Daily Living

Assessment of Ability to Self Care after Discharge

Family Dynamics Affecting Discharge

Management of Long Term Disease in the Community

NICE IV Fluid – Assessment

NICE IV Fluid – Principles and Five Rs

NICE IV Fluid – Properties

NICE IV Fluid – More Complex Scenarios

NICE IV Fluid – When It Goes Wrong

Personality Disorder

Alcohol IBA – Assessment

Managing Obesity: Guiding and Enabling Behaviour Change

Understanding Eating Disorders – Signs, Symptoms and Causes

Understanding Eating Disorders – Practical Requirements

Eating Disorders; Anorexia and Bulimia

Medically Unexplained Symptoms

Introduction to Frailty





Safe Prescribing and VTE Scenario

Blood Transfusion and Consent Scenario

Mental Capacity Act and Death Certification

Discussing ‘Do Not Attempt CPR’ Decisions

Am I Dying How Long have I Got Handling Challenging Questions

Recognising the Last Months and Days of Life and Verifying Death

Symptom Management for the Dying Adult: Pain, and Nausea and Vomiting

Symptom Management for the Dying Adult: Respiratory Symptoms, Diabetes Control and Anticipatory Prescribing

Errors and Experiences in Healthcare

Minimising Risk in Healthcare Organisations

Learning from Complaints

Safeguarding Adults – Level 2

Safeguarding Children – Level 2

VTE Prevention in Secondary Care

FPC4: Communication and care

Provide clear explanations to patients/carers, agree a plan and deliver health care advice and treatment where appropriate

Medication History Taking and Prescribing on Admission

Holding an Outpatient Consultation

Communication Skills

Communicating Treatment Risks to Patients

Explaining Evidence/Guidelines/Protocols to Patients

Guidelines in Clinical Practice

Patient Autonomy and Related Ethics

Hospital Acquired Fever: What to do if MRSA Positive

Hospital Acquired Fever with MRSA: What to do Next

Infection Control: Diarrhoea in an Inpatient

Infection Control: Air and Blood Borne Pathogens

Infection Control: Modes of Transmission

Disease Notification

Risk Factors in Disease


HIV Testing


Organ Donation and Related Communication Skills

Cultural and Religious Diversity and Bereavement

Primary, Secondary Care Interface

How to get the best from laboratory and imaging services

Discharge planning: engaging therapists and social services


Bipolar Affective Disorder

Effective Referrals to Other Clinical Teams

Management of Alcohol Misuse

Evidence Based Medicine in Clinical Practice

Common Study Designs in Clinical Research

Re-evaluation and Monitoring

Nutrition and Health

Nutritional Assessment

Options for Nutritional Care

Quality and Safety in the NHS

Keeping the Patient at the Centre of Care

Seeing the Whole Picture

Team Working and Patient Safety

Team Dynamics

Effective Team Working

Clinical Governance

Outcomes and Patient Experience

Handling Complaints

Errors and Experiences in Healthcare

Minimising Risk in Healthcare Organisations

Learning from Complaints

Multi-Disciplinary Discharge Planning

Impact of Short-term and Long-Term Physical Problems on Daily Living

Assessment of Ability to Self Care after Discharge

Family Dynamics Affecting Discharge

Management of Long Term Disease in the Community

NICE IV Fluid – Assessment

NICE IV Fluid – Principles and Five Rs

NICE IV Fluid – Properties

NICE IV Fluid – More Complex Scenarios

NICE IV Fluid – When It Goes Wrong

Prescription Writing

BNF Usage and Other Prescribing Information Sources

Safe Use of Injectable Medicines (Part 1)

Safe Use of Injectable Medicines (Part 2)

Safe Anticoagulation

Safe Prescribing in Renal Impairment

Prudent Use of Antibiotics (Part 1)

Prudent Use of Antibiotics (Part 2)

Prudent Use of Antibiotics (Part 3)

Safe Prescribing of Insulin

Adverse Drug Effects

Safer Medicine Use Through Concordance

Safe Prescribing and VTE Scenario

Blood Transfusion and Consent Scenario

Personality Disorder

Managing Obesity: Guiding and Enabling Behaviour Change

Eating Disorders; Anorexia and Bulimia

Understanding Eating Disorders – Signs, Symptoms and Causes

Understanding Eating Disorders – Practical Requirements

Medically Unexplained Symptoms

Introduction to Frailty





Alcohol Facts

Alcohol IBA – Assessment

Very Brief Advice on Smoking: ASK, ADVISE, ACT

Mental Capacity Act and Death Certification

Discussing ‘Do Not Attempt CPR’ Decisions

Am I Dying How Long have I Got Handling Challenging Questions

Recognising the Last Months and Days of Life and Verifying Death

Symptom Management for the Dying Adult: Pain, and Nausea and Vomiting

Symptom Management for the Dying Adult: Respiratory Symptoms, Diabetes Control and Anticipatory Prescribing

Assessing Mental Capacity

Planning Ahead Using the MCA

Best Interests


Deprivation of Liberty

Completion of the Medical Certificate of Cause of Death Part 3

Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults

Safeguarding Adults – Level 2

Safeguarding Children – Level 1

Safeguarding Children – Level 2

FPC5: Continuity of care

Contribute to safe ongoing care both in and out of hours

Good Handover Practice

Competency in Practice

Senior Advice Who When and Why?

Senior Advice: When to Stop for Help

Safe Prescription and Risk Management

Human Factors and Analysis of Adverse Events

Effective Referrals to Other Clinical Teams

Team Working and Patient Safety

Clinical Governance

Outcomes and Patient Experience

Managing Self Harm

Mental Health Act

Psychiatric Assessment and Mental State Examination

Delirium (Acute Confusional States): Recognition and Causes

Delirium (Acute Confusional States): Diagnosis and Management

Pyschotic Disorders

Hospital Acquired Fever: What to do if MRSA Positive

Organ Donation and Related Communication Skills

An Underperforming Colleague – What To Do

Stress – Bullying

Primary, Secondary Care Interface

How to get the best from laboratory and imaging services

Discharge planning: engaging therapists and social services

Assessment and Initial Management

Re-evaluation and Monitoring

Introduction to Patient Safety

Quality and Safety in the NHS

Keeping the Patient at the Centre of Care

Seeing the Whole Picture

Multi-Disciplinary Discharge Planning

Impact of Short-term and Long-Term Physical Problems on Daily Living

Assessment of Ability to Self Care after Discharge

Family Dynamics Affecting Discharge

Management of Long Term Disease in the Community

Prescription Writing

BNF Usage and Other Prescribing Information Sources

Safe Use of Injectable Medicines (Part 1)

Safe Use of Injectable Medicines (Part 2)

Safe Anticoagulation

Safe Prescribing in Renal Impairment

Prudent Use of Antibiotics (Part 1)

Prudent Use of Antibiotics (Part 2)

Prudent Use of Antibiotics (Part 3)

Safe Prescribing of Insulin

Adverse Drug Effects

Safer Medicine Use Through Concordance

Safe Prescribing and VTE Scenario

Blood Transfusion and Consent Scenario

Mental Capacity Act and Death Certification

Team Dynamics

Effective Team Working

HLO 2: A valuable member of healthcare workforce

FPC6: Sharing the vision

Work confidently within and, where appropriate, guide the multi-professional team to deliver a consistently high standard of patient care based on sound ethical principles

FPC7: Fitness to practice

Develop the skills necessary to manage their own personal wellbeing

FPC8: Upholding values

Act as a responsible employee including speaking up when others do not act in accordance with the values of the healthcare system

FPC9: Quality improvement

Take an active part in processes to improve the quality of care

FPC10: Teaching the teacher

Teach and present effectively

HLO 3: A professional, responsible for their own practice and portfolio development

FPC11: Ethics and law

Demonstrate professional practice in line with the curriculum, GMC and other statutory requirements through development of a professional portfolio

FPC12: Continuing professional development

Develop practice including the acquisition of new knowledge and skills through experiential learning; acceptance of feedback and, if necessary, remediation; reading and, if appropriate, by research

FPC13: Understanding medicine

Understanding Medicine: Understand the breadth of medical practice and plan a career

Core Foundation Learning Topics

Mental health including mental illness

Health promotion and public health


Quality improvement methodology

Appraisal of evidence

Integration of acute illness into chronic disease management and multiple co-morbidities

End of life care

High risk prescribing

Teaching skills
