In this section of the application form you will have the option to:
- Apply to be considered for pre-allocation to a specific foundation school based on personal circumstances
- Link your application to another applicant’s application
If you need to be allocated to a particular foundation school due to your personal circumstances (for example, caring responsibilities, health reasons or for ongoing educational support), and your circumstances meet one of the national criteria, you can apply to be pre-allocated to a particular foundation school in this section of the application form.
- Applicants who wish to apply for pre-allocation must first read the UKFP 2025 Applicant Guide to the Pre-allocation Process before completing their application.
- A Word application form for pre-allocation must be completed and uploaded onto Oriel. The application forms for each criterion can be found on the pre-allocation webpage.
You must rank the foundation school you wish to be pre-allocated to as your first preference on Oriel. If the requested Foundation School does not match the first ranked foundation school on Oriel, the pre-allocation application will be rejected.
Your request for pre-allocation, along with the completed application form and required supporting evidence, must be submitted as part of your Oriel application by the close of the application window. Refer to the main application timeline.
Non-urgent advice: Ensure all documents are attached
You must ensure that all the relevant and required documentation is provided at the time of application.
There is no opportunity to submit additional or missing documentation at a later date, or via an appeal process.
Linked Applications
If you wish to be allocated to the same foundation school as another applicant, you can choose to link your FP application to the other individual’s application on Oriel.
The link will only be honoured if you have both ranked the foundation schools/UoAs in the same order of preference and there are two places available in a foundation school/UoA at the point that the allocation algorithm attempts to place you and your linked partner in the same foundation school/UoA.
Further information about the process of linking to another applicant can be found on the linking applications page.
Non-urgent advice: Important
If a link is broken, it is not possible for the UKFPO to re-establish the link under any circumstances.