What is the F2 Stand-alone programme?
For more information about F2 Stand-alone programmes, please refer to:
Am I eligible to apply for F2 Stand-alone programmes?
To check your eligibility to apply, please refer to the applicant guidance:
If you are currently working as part of the two-year programme or have successfully completed the F2 year and received a Foundation Achievement of Competency Document (FACD)/Foundation Programme Certificate of Completion (FPCC), you are not eligible to apply.
I am currently working as an F1 doctor as part of a two-year foundation programme, am I eligible to apply for F2 Stand-alone programmes?
No. Doctors who are already working as part of a recognised two-year foundation programme are not eligible to apply for F2 Stand-alone posts. F2 Stand-alone programmes are available for overseas graduates who would otherwise struggle to enter training in the UK.
If your circumstances have changed and there are specific reasons as to why you need to transfer to a different programme for your F2 year, you may be eligible to apply for a transfer based on set criteria. Please refer to the Inter-Foundation School Transfer (IFST) guidance available on the UKFPO website.
I don’t meet the criteria to be considered for an Inter-Foundation School Transfer (IFST), but I am unhappy and do not wish to continue my existing programme, what options are available to me?
We would strongly advise you to speak to your Clinical and/or Educational Supervisor depending on your concerns. There will be support mechanisms available for you to access within your existing foundation school and/or employing organisation as appropriate.
I want to move to London to complete my second year of training, should I apply for F2 Stand-alone programmes?
No. Current F1 doctors are not eligible to apply for F2 Stand-alone programmes.
Do I need to undertake a clinical assessment?
No. This is not a requirement for recruitment to F2 Stand-alone programmes.
Do I need to submit an eligibility application?
No. This is not a requirement for recruitment to F2 Stand-alone programmes.
What is the expected start date for F2 Stand-alone programmes? Would I be able to delay my start date?
All F2 Stand-alone posts commence at the start of the foundation training year at the beginning of August (typically the first Wednesday of the month). F2 Stand-alone posts are fixed-term for one-year and the curriculum for foundation training is both time and competency based.
All foundation doctors will need to undertake the full year of training in order to achieve the requirements of the curriculum. If you are unlikely to be able to start a position you have accepted an offer for, you must contact your allocated foundation school at the earliest possible opportunity.
Are foundation doctors working in F2 Stand-alone posts required to undertake the Prescribing Safety Assessment (PSA)?
All foundation doctors are required to pass the PSA. F2 Stand-alone doctors who have not previously passed the exam will be given the opportunity to sit the PSA during the course of the training year in September, March and May.
For more information about the PSA, please refer to:
Will there be any other opportunities to apply for foundation training posts?
All recruitment to foundation training posts is managed by the UK Foundation Programme Office.
Foundation schools do not recruit to training posts separately. Occasionally, there may be Locum Appointment for Service (LAS) posts available. LAS posts are temporary posts without a recognised training component and are not usually assessed for the competencies required to complete a Foundation Programme. You would have a clinical supervisor, but not an educational supervisor. These posts are usually advertised by individual employing organisations (hospital trusts) via
I have previously worked as a foundation doctor but didn’t complete the programme. Do I need to notify you of this?
For more information about re-application to foundation training, please refer to:
Application Form
How do I submit my application?
For more information on how to submit an application, please refer to:
How do I provide fitness to practise evidence (if applicable)?
For more information about fitness to practise, please refer to:
How will my clinical knowledge and skills be assessed?
For more information about how your clinical knowledge and skills will be assessed, please refer to:
Is there an option to link F2 Stand-alone applications?
No. Linking only applies to the allocation process to the two-year Foundation Programme. Applicants for F2 Stand-alone posts will not be able to link their applications.
What should I include in work experience? Do I need to include internships?
For more information about what information to include in your application form, please refer to:
What does the longlisting process involve?
For more information about the longlisting process, please refer to:
When will I be notified if I have been longlisted?
Please refer to the F2 Stand-alone guidance.
Essential criteria not used for longlisting purposes
As outlined within the national person specification, there are two essential criteria which will be assessed by the employing organisation: right to work in the UK and ILS (or equivalent). These criteria will not be assessed by the UKFPO during longlisting or shortlisting and they are therefore not mandatory at the point of application.
Right to work in the UK
How can I obtain right to work in the UK?
For more information about right to work, please refer to:
ILS (or equivalent)
When do I need to have completed ILS by?
For more information about ILS, please refer to:
What certificates are acceptable equivalents of ILS and how long are they valid for?
For more information about ILS, please refer to:
What will the interview involve?
For more information about interviews, please refer to:
How will interviews be conducted?
For more information about interviews, please refer to:
When will I be notified of my interview outcome?
For more information about interviews, please refer to:
What happens if I have technical issues during the interview?
For more information about interviews, please refer to:
Offers & Preferencing
When is the preferencing window?
I missed the preferencing window, what happens now?
For more information about preferencing, please refer to:
How does the offers process work?
For more information about the offers process, please refer to:
When will the offers window run?
How long do I have to respond to an offer?
For more information about the offers process, please refer to:
I have accepted my offer but no longer want it, what should I do?
For more information about withdrawing an application, please refer to:
How do I register on Oriel?
For more information about registration and Oriel, please refer to:
How many employment references are required?
For more information about references, please refer to:
What qualifies as a reference?
For more information about references, please refer to:
My referee is not receiving the reference request, what should I do?
You can check the contact details of your referee on Oriel. You can also change referee details yourself on Oriel up until the referencing window closes or the reference is submitted, whichever comes first.
If the referee details are correct, please email so we can look into this for you.
I am a referee for an applicant and I have a query.
If you have been asked to provide a reference for an applicant to the UK Foundation Programme, please refer to: