Foundation Programme (UKFP)

Applicants MUST apply for the Foundation Programme (FP) before applying to Specialised Foundation Programmes (SFP) or Foundation Priority Programmes (FPP)

The Foundation Programme is a two-year, work-based training programme which bridges the gap between medical school and specialty / general practice training. The foundation programme is part of the continuum of medical education. It ensures that newly qualified doctors develop their clinical and professional skills in the workplace in readiness for core, specialty or general practice training. The Foundation Programme aims to ensure that all doctors deliver safe and effective patient care and aspire to excellence in their professional development in accordance with GMC guidance.

Training programmes are designed to ensure that all foundation doctors undergo a balanced programme which enables them to meet the competences and outcomes set by the GMC as described in the curriculum. 

Non-urgent advice: UKFP 2025 Key Documents

Guidance, documents and forms for UKFP 2025 will be published on this webpage in due course (summer 2024). Please keep checking here for updates.

In the meantime, prospective applicants may find it useful to review the following Key Changes section.

UKFP 2025 Key Changes


The following changes have been made to the Pre-allocation criteria for UKFP 2025:

  • Criterion 2a “Primary Carer” and Criterion 2b “Significant Carer” have been merged into a single carer criterion which is now called “Significant Caring Responsibilities”.
  • Criterion 3 “Medical Condition” has been renamed “Health Condition or Disability”.
  • Criterion 4 “Unique Circumstances” has been renamed “Extraordinary Circumstances”.

Eligibility applicants:

Eligibility-route applicants should review the Eligibility Applications for UK Foundation Programme webpage for key changes to the eligibility application process.

UKFP 2024 Webinar recordings

The recordings of the following webinars can be found on our UKFPO webinars page.

  • FP 2024 Pre-allocation webinar, 06 September 2023
  • FP 2024 Preference Informed Allocation (PIA) webinar, 13 September 2023

Still have questions? See the UKFP Application FAQs.