Medical degree certificate or confirmation of qualification letter

All applicants must provide proof of primary medical qualification (PMQ):

Non-urgent advice: Important

Failure to provide satisfactory evidence of a primary medical qualification (PMQ) will result in an eligibility application being considered incomplete and marked ineligible.

The UKFPO can only accept applications from applicants whose PMQ is accepted by the GMC. A list of the primary medical qualifications that are not currently accepted by the GMC can be found here.

Applicants must submit a copy of their official medical degree certificate for their primary medical qualification.

A colour copy is preferred, and all 4-corners must be visible.

Some universities provide students with an online digital copy of a degree certificate; the UKFPO will only accept these if the qualification can be verified via the medical school’s website. Applicants should check this verification is available on their university’s website in advance of submitting a digital degree certificate as evidence. Applicants must include all details required so that the UKFPO can verify the certificate at the point of application. If the certificate cannot be verified online, applicants must upload copies of their original/formal degree certificate.

Applicants with digital certificates must send verification details to the UKFPO by email at: . The email must be sent to the UKFPO at the same point that the application is submitted on Oriel. Verification details should contain the website address and information such as a reference number (or similar). Verification details will vary between medical schools.

If the name on your medical degree evidence does not match the name on your proof of ID, you must submit your eligibility application with the name as it appears in your official proof of ID as detailed above. For example name in proof of ID is Margaret Juliet Edwards, but your medical degree evidence states Maggie Edwards or Juliet Edwards.

You must justify the discrepancy; this can be evidence of an official name change (e.g. your name has changed due to marriage, divorce, deed poll), or a letter from your medical school explaining the reason for the discrepancy (e.g. your name has not officially changed but you are/were known to your medical school by a different name). The letter must be on the letterhead of the medical school, signed, stamped, and dated by the medical school. The letter must be uploaded to Oriel as part of your application.

Applicants with a degree certificate not in English must provide an English translation from an official organisation. The qualification and translation must be combined into one document.

If you have recently qualified from medical school and have not yet received your medical degree certificate, you must provide a letter to confirm your medical degree. The letter must

– Be issued on university headed paper
– Be signed and dated by the medical school Dean or an authorised official in the Registrar’s office
– include all the information outlined in the template letter

A letter template which must be used, and which outlines the information required is available below:

Letter to confirm degree qualification with no degree certificate

If you have not yet qualified from medical school, you must provide a letter to confirm your medical degree. The letter must:

– Be issued on university headed paper
– Be signed and dated by the medical school Dean or an authorised official in the Registrar’s office
– include all the information outlined in the template letter

A letter template which must be used, and which outlines the information required is available below:

Letter to confirm degree qualification when not yet qualified

Applicants whose primary medical qualification (PMQ) appears on the GMC’s list of overseas medical qualifications they may accept must submit evidence from the GMC that their PMQ meets their criteria for an acceptable overseas qualification. This evidence must be an email sent to the applicant by the GMC, with the sender’s email signature(s) and email address(es) clearly displayed. This evidence will be assessed on a case-by-case basis by the UKFPO.

The deadline to provide this evidence is 12:00 (midday, BST) on 06 September 2024. Any applicant who does not provide sufficient evidence by this deadline will be withdrawn from the application process. Therefore, applicants are strongly encouraged to contact the GMC as soon as possible in order to gain this evidence.

Please note, some medical schools / universities appear on both the GMC’s list of medical qualifications they may accept, and the GMC’s list of medical qualifications they do not accept. Applicants whose medical school / university appears on both lists, can submit an eligibility application and should follow the guidance provided above.

Applicants whose medical school / university appears only on the GMC’s list of medical qualifications they do not accept, will remain ineligible to apply for the UK Foundation Programme.