Supervisor meetings

Foundation doctors are expected to meet with their supervisors regularly. Specific forms in the e-portfolio need to be completed to document each of these meetings. This section provides guidance on each type of meeting.

Start of placement

If the clinical and educational supervisor are the same person, they can combine the initial and induction meetings and record this in the “Combined” form.

At your first meeting with your educational supervisor (ES), you should agree your learning objectives for your placement. You’ll review these at subsequent meetings. At the end of each placement and at the end of the year, you should use your personal development plan (PDP) to provide evidence that you have met all the required outcomes and any other objectives you have set.

Before you meet with your ES you should consider the outcomes you think you are likely to achieve in your first placement. You should discuss these with your clinical supervisor and other doctors in training. Many foundation schools also provide detailed information about the sorts of learning opportunities available in each placement.

Initial meeting with education supervisor form
Combined: induction meeting & initial meeting form
PDP form

At the beginning of each placement, you should meet with your clinical supervisor (CS) to discuss what learning opportunities are available, what is expected of you and ensure you are familiar with whom (for example, members of the placement supervision group) and where you’ll be working. You should also discuss how to seek clinical help in and out of hours.

Induction meeting with clinical supervisor form


This should be conducted by your ES or CS (as appropriate for you) approximately halfway through the placement. At this meeting you should briefly review progress to ensure your training is on course, that an appropriate number and range of assessments have been undertaken and that you have engaged with adequate educational opportunities (including supervised learning events).

The mid-placement review is strongly encouraged particularly if you or your supervisor have concerns.

Mid-placement review form

It is strongly advised that foundation doctors and their ES (or Foundation Programme Training Director/Tutor (FPTD/T)) review satisfactory progression through the programme halfway through the training year. Your ES should review your e-portfolio and your progress in general and against the Foundation Programme Curriculum. This is also an opportunity for discussions relating to your personal development and career planning.

Mid-year review of progress form

End of placement

At the end of each placement, you should meet with your CS to explore and document your performance in the workplace. The CS should seek and record evidence from colleagues who form the Placement Supervision Group (PSG). Using the PSG’s supporting information, the supervisor should meet with you to complete the summative assessment of your overall performance and progress within the placement. This information will be recorded on the clinical supervisor’s end of placement report within the e-portfolio.
See our Assessments webpage for further information and examples of forms.

At the end of each placement, you should meet with your ES to explore and document your performance in the workplace, assessments and SLEs undertaken, and any other evidence, comparing them against the objectives that you agreed in your PDP. This information will be recorded on the educational supervisor’s end of placement report within the e-portfolio.

This review may highlight concerns that have emerged, either through the placement, or where assessments / SLEs have identified specific areas for development. If significant concerns have been highlighted in the end of placement report, the FPTD/T should be informed.

See our Assessments webpage for further information and examples of forms.

The educational supervisor’s end of year report is an overall professional assessment and judgement of the foundation doctor. End of placement reports are drawn together by the ES to develop the end of year report, which will inform the ARCP panel’s decision regarding satisfactory completion of F1 and F2. This form replaces the ES’s end of placement report for the final placement.

See our Assessments webpage for further information and examples of forms.