Linking applications

If you wish to be allocated to the same foundation school as another applicant, you can choose to link your FP application to the other applicant on Oriel.

Linking only applies to the main Foundation Programme, and does not apply to the Foundation Priority Programme.

An applicant can only link to one other applicant. The rank of the lower ranking applicant will be used to allocate both linked applicants to a foundation school (and in some cases to group as well, if used by the foundation school).

Links will be broken if either applicant:

  • accepts an offer for a Foundation Priority Programme (FPP)
  • is approved for pre-allocation to a foundation school
  • does not rank foundation schools in the same order of preference as the other applicant.

The link could also be broken if there aren’t two places available in any foundation school at the point that the allocation algorithm attempts to place the linked applicants in the same foundation school.

Linking applications at group and programme stage

Not all foundation schools allow linking for the match to group/programme and applicants should consider local foundation school policies prior to submission of their linked application.

Applicants should contact individual foundation schools directly for further information.  

Refer to the How to Apply on Oriel guide (available soon) for information about how to link to another applicant during the application process on Oriel.