Registration on Oriel

UK medical school applicants

Nominated UK applicants will receive an email on 17 September 2024 which will provide information about how to confirm their nomination and register on the Oriel application system.

Registration emails will be sent at 09:00 (BST), however applicants should note that this email may take some time to appear in their inbox.

Applicants should register on Oriel prior to the start of application window which opens on 25 September 2024.

Applicants who do not register on Oriel before the application window opens can still register within the application window but this will inevitably decrease the amount of time available to complete the application form.

Non-urgent advice: Important

UK medical school nominees must not create an account on Oriel before being nominated, because this will lead to them having two accounts on Oriel, which can cause confusion. (Applicants should email if they have created an account, so that it can be deleted.)
UK medical school nominees must only use the details (full name and email address) they have been nominated with.

Eligibility process applicants

Applicants who have applied via the eligibility application process and who are deemed eligible will be nominated on the Oriel system by the UKFPO.

Non-urgent advice: Important

Applicants who have applied through the eligibility process do not need to register again in September, but will need to complete the main Foundation Programme application form during the national application window. This is an additional application form that applicants are required to complete after they have received confirmation from the UKFPO that their eligibility application is successful.