What is being looked at
The options
Score based allocation
To continue with the current method which sees applicants ranked according to their FP Score (Education Performance Measure (EPM) + Situational Judgement Test (SJT)) and preference all Foundation Schools. Applicants are allocated to a foundation school according to their rank and then their preference e.g., 1st ranked applicant allocated first. Where there are no remaining vacancies in an applicant’s first choice foundation school, they will be allocated their next highest available preferred foundation school. The allocation to programme within foundation schools follows the same model utilising preference and ranking score.
Preference Informed Allocation (EPM and SJT scores are removed)
Applicants will be given a ranking which is computer generated via the Oriel System. Applicants will preference all foundation schools. The allocation process will allocate as many applicants to their first preference as possible. Where there are no remaining vacancies in an applicant’s first choice foundation school, they will be allocated their next highest available preferred foundation school. The allocation to programme within foundation schools will follow the same model utilising preference and computer generated ranking.
What is the difference between the two models?
We have compared the two options and modelling has shown that the preference informed system results in a higher number of applicants (79.47%) obtaining their first choice Foundation School when compared to the score-based allocation (73.90%). Please see further information and data below. The difference would be how applicants are ranked. The current system uses a competitive ranking system based on applicants’ Education Performance Measure (EPM) and Situational Judgement Test (SJT) score. The Preference Informed Allocation will see applicants given a computer-generated ranking without those measures used. Because ranking is computer generated with no meritocratic assessment, the Preference Based Model should not be associated with any differential attainment according to protected characteristics.
Both models will still allow applicants to select their preferred foundation school.