UKFPO Bulletin
July Bulletin
Summer is here!!

At this time last year, I commented in this editorial around what ‘interesting times’ we lived in. Things haven’t changed although the issues have. To use another well-rehearsed saw: Change is the only constant. This is something, I think the new generation of doctors understand better than those of us nearing retirement age and, as a consequence, are better at adapting – which is not to say they can’t benefit from the support of seniors.
As we come to the end of another training year, I hope those completing their first year as a doctor have found it delivered what they hoped for and they feel ready to progress to full registration. I hope too that many of you remain as enthused by medicine as I am after almost 40 years learning and practicing it.
Similarly, I hope those about to move from FP into specialty training or other posts will find they have acquired the necessary range of skills that will help them deal with the constantly varying challenges of modern healthcare. For those taking time out of training, please take a little time to read GMC guidance on licensing so you are familiar with the rules around appraisal and revalidation.
For those still thinking about what career best suits them, my advice (as out of date as it is – though I was a medical careers advisor for many years) is to think about possible futures and what is important to you – what can you live without and what can’t you live without. If you are moving into F2 or taking time out, use this as an opportunity to explore a little about possible careers (both in and outside medicine, in formal training and via other routes), consider time overseas. Also remember that you are in training for 3-8 years and a consultant/GP for 20 (probably 30).
I don’t need to tell the current group of FDs that there is a life outside medicine but I would remind them that there are several lives in medicine – management and leadership, education, research, medico-legal, military, academic, journalism, policy-writing etc. even before you start to think of which specialty or generalism you want to follow.
I just want to say to all those about to get their ARCP outcomes – best wishes for the next stage and remember to say ‘thank you’ to those that have helped you.
As always, there is information on all this on the website. You can also email questions to
Best wishes
Tony Choules, Operational Advisor to the UKFPO
Have you thought about your future career? What does this look like to you? Have a look at our careers page

How have you found this training year? What were some of the highlights and things you have learnt from?
Recruitment Updates
Preference Informed Allocation (PIA)
In February 2023 the UKFPO ran a Stakeholder Engagement exercise on foundation programme allocation with two proposals:
- To keep the current allocation process where applicants were ranked for allocation using their FP total Score (their EPM and SJT scores)
- To move to Preference Informed Allocation (PIA) where applicants are ranked using a computer generated number
We received over 14,500 responses. Most respondents had indicated they would like to move to a Preference Informed Allocation for 2024 (66%), and so in June 2023 it was announced that the UKFPO would adopt the PIA from 2024.
Further information can be found via the following link.
National Sarcoma Awareness Project – BMJ e-learning module

An opportunity to take part in a funded short-term clinical fellowship at a regional sarcoma centre. Open to all final year medical students and F1/F2 doctors.
For more information, please see flyer
Your Career, Our Future – Medical/Dental Careers Conference 2023 – FREE TO ATTEND (spaces are limited)
- Audience: Medical/Dental Faculty, Careers Advisors, Supervisors and Medical/Dental trainees with an interest in supporting career development
- Venue: East Midlands Conference Centre, Nottingham NG7 2RJ
- Theme: Diversity Within Careers and Workforce
- Date: 7 July 2023 – 9:30am – 15:45pm
- How to book: Event booking page
- Programme for the day
2022/23 UKFPO Fellow Reflections
Anna Harvey
My time working with the UKFPO has been an interesting insight into the nuts and bolts of how the various bodies that regulate and govern early postgraduate medical training interact. I have thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to sit on and chair various national boards and hear from Foundation doctors across the UK about what works (and what can be improved!). Foundation training is a crucial period of development that can shape both careers and life outside of medicine, and our most junior doctors in training deserve holistic, trainee focused programmes in the same way our patients deserve holistic, patient centred care. I am pleased to have had the opportunity to advocate for this as a representative within the UKFPO.
Raza Naqvi
The UKFPO Fellowship has been an invaluable opportunity to gain exposure into management and leadership within medical training. I have learnt many new skills through my participation in projects, chairing national meetings and sitting on national advisory boards. The role has provided a fantastic platform to develop and establish key relationships and provided opportunity to instil and direct meaningful change in the foundation training experience of colleagues. This year has been fantastic in my development and offered a priceless steppingstone in my medical leadership journey.