Abstract and presentation

Foundation doctors are invited to submit abstracts relating to Sustainability, Clinical Case Reports, Education, Quality Improvement or Research or Original Work undertaken during your Foundation Programme training. 


The abstract should not exceed 200 words in total (excluding title, authors, and references).  Abstracts should include background (context setting), methods, results, and key messages. 

Any references quoted in the abstract should be listed at the end, using the Vancouver reference style. 

Abstract submissions will be presented as 10-minute oral or 3-minute poster (mini-oral) presentations. Applications describing work in progress are eligible, but abstracts should not relate to work during medical school (including during intercalated degree or elective projects). 

The abstract submission window is detailed on the Timeline page. Late submissions will not be accepted. 

Up to two applications may be submitted per presenting author. However, an individual will only be allowed to deliver one presentation should their abstract(s) be successful.

Applicants are not required to submit a patient consent form. All personal details in the abstract should be anonymised.

Foundation doctors can submit abstracts that have already been presented at other conferences.

Abstract applications for NFDPD are only open to current F1 or F2 doctors in recognised Foundation Programmes in the UK or Malta.

Presentation type

Oral presentations (10 minutes) 

Oral presentations will be 10 minutes exactly, 8 minutes to present and 2 minutes for questions. Please note that a selection of abstracts will be accepted for oral presentations, but all submissions will be considered for posters. 

Poster presentations (3 minutes) 

You will be given 2 minutes to talk through your poster to the judges, with 1 minute for questions. Timeline and specifications for posters (format, resolution etc.) will be confirmed to successful applicants after shortlisting has concluded. 

All abstracts submitted will be considered for poster presentations. You will be asked if you wish your abstract to be considered for an oral presentation as well. 

Submit your abstract

Foundation doctors wishing to partake in the NFDPD should complete the abstract submission form during the abstract submission window. The abstract submission window is detailed on the Timeline page. Late submissions will not be accepted. 

You can also access the abstract submission for via the below QR code.

Top tips for presenting

Oral presentations

For guidance on how to deliver a medical research oral presentation, please visit this helpful guide entitled ‘Accepted standards on how to give a Medical Research Presentation’.

Poster presentations

For guidance on how to deliver a medical research poster presentation, please visit this helpful guide on creating effective poster presentations.