Application process overview

Applications for the two-year Foundation Programme are managed through the Oriel application system. Applicants must submit their application through the national Foundation Programme vacancy on Oriel during the national application window. Applicants are also able to apply for Foundation Priority Programmes (FPP) via the main Foundation Programme vacancy, during the same application window.

Application timeline and key dates

A timeline which lists all key dates for the entire application process is available here: UKFP 2025 Application Timeline. Applicants should refer to the timeline alongside the guidance at all stages of the application process.

The annual application timeline includes dates for the processes listed below. It is sometimes necessary to publish the timeline on an incremental basis.

Application window for FP/FPP and pre-allocation
Pre-allocation application outcomes
FPP offer dates
FP allocation date
Group and programme preferencing dates
Programme matching dates

Applicants who are required to also apply via the eligibility application process should also refer to the separate eligibility application timeline for all relevant dates and deadlines. This timeline includes dates for:

Eligibility application window
GMC & PLAB deadlines
Clinical Assessment dates

Stages of the application progress

There are various stages to the application process which take place over 8 to 9 months. These are summarised in the list below.

UK applicants/final year medical students are nominated to apply by their UK medical school.

Non-UK applicants, and applicants who qualified 2 or more years ago, apply via the Eligibility application route. Applicants who are deemed eligible are then able to apply for the Foundation Programme.

Applicants register on Oriel and UK nominated applicants confirm their nomination.

Applicants complete and submit their application form on Oriel by the national deadline.

(Eligibility applicants MUST submit a Foundation Programme application in addition to their Eligibility application.)

A series of national panels take place to review applications for pre-allocation to a foundation school. Applicants are informed of their application outcome.

The offers process takes place for Foundation Priority Programmes (FPP). There are four rounds of offers. Applicants have 48 hours to accept or reject an offer. Details of the FPP offers process can be found on this page: FPP programme preferencing & Offers.

All remaining eligible applicants (not including applicants who have already accepted an FPP offer) are allocated to a foundation school. Oriel will use a “preferenced informed allocation” (PIA) algorithm to allocate applicants to a foundation school. Applicants are contacted by their foundation school team with local information and details of the training programmes within the foundation school region.

Applicants preference groups (if applicable to their foundation school) and programmes on Oriel. During this time, some foundation schools will also hold a “welcome event”, which will provide information about the training programmes, employers, and opportunities within the region.

Applicants are matched to a two year foundation training programme and employers. Applicants’ details are passed by their foundation school (via Oriel) to their employer.

Employers carry out pre-employment checks and arrangements are made for applicants to start in post.

The mandatory shadowing and induction period takes place for all new foundation doctors at the end of July.

Individual employers will send details of the exact dates and a timetable directly to their incoming F1 doctors. The start date varies according to foundation school and/or employer but will generally commence on or before the last Wednesday in July.

The start of the F1 training programme traditionally begins on the first Wednesday in August.