Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP)

This guide is aimed at foundation doctors (FDs), foundation supervisors and trainers, and foundation administrators. We explain the ARCP process, as set out in the Foundation Programme (FP) Curriculum 2021, and provide additional information to support colleagues to implement the process.

Non-urgent advice: What is an ARCP?

The ARCP is a review of evidence of achievement over the course of a year of training. The ARCP panel reviews and validates the educational supervisor’s recommended outcome against the foundation doctor’s portfolio of evidence. Although it is not in itself an assessment, it is a summative judgement of a foundation doctor’s performance and development throughout the year. The panel makes recommendations to the postgraduate dean. This means the process decides whether an individual doctor can progress to the next stage of training. Progression is dependent on evidence that the foundation doctor has met or exceeded the minimum expected level of performance in each of the 13 foundation professional capabilities (Foundation Programme training outcomes).

Preparing for ARCP webinar

See below recording of the ‘Preparing for ARCP’ webinar, held on 27 March 2024, focusing on what your e-portfolio should look like leading up to your ARCP.