N codes – reasons for doctors not assigned a satisfactory/unsatisfactory outcome

A description of the N codes relevant to the Foundation Programme is below. More than one reason may be selected by the ARCP panel.

Notes: Achieving progress and the development of outcomes at the expected rate.

Used in specialty training (ST): No

Notes: May not be achieving progress or development of outcomes at the expected rate.

Used in specialty training (ST): No

Notes: FD on long-term sickness or other health issues have impacted on ability to complete the year of training being reviewed.

Used in specialty training (ST): Yes

Notes: FD cannot be reviewed whilst on maternity leave

Used in specialty training (ST): Yes

Notes: Too soon to complete a meaningful annual review within the ARCP reporting period.

Used in specialty training (ST): Yes

Notes: FD did not attend the review when required. That is, analysis from local offices/deaneries is that where a review panel was not arranged until July at end of reporting year and FD could not attend for last minute family reasons; transport problems etc. Panel had to be rearranged in early August but outside of GMC reporting period.

Used in specialty training (ST): Yes

Notes: FD currently suspended from training either as a result of GMC Suspension or local Trust or other local disciplinary proceedings due to gross misconduct.

Used in specialty training (ST): Yes

Notes: FD currently suspended for reasons other than gross misconduct.

Used in specialty training (ST): Yes

Notes: Resignation no remedial training undertaken or offered

Used in specialty training (ST): Yes

Notes: Resignation received FD would have been offered or FD undertook remedial training.

Used in specialty training (ST): Yes

Notes: The FD was dismissed prior to programme completion.

Please specify if:
• N17: Dismissed: no remedial training undertaken
• N18: Dismissed: received remedial training
Also whether:
• N19: Dismissed: no GMC referral
• N20: Dismissed: following GMC referral

Used in specialty training (ST): No

Notes: Please specify

Used in specialty training (ST): Yes