UKFPO Bulletin: 28th October 2020

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UKFP 2021 Q&A session

29 October 2020 14:00-15:30 (GMT): We’re holding a Q&A webinar for applicants to the UKFP 2021 – click here at the webinar start time. Further information and recordings of this and the previous session available on our News page.

National Foundation Doctors Presentation Day – Friday 15 January 2021 | Virtual Conference

All Foundation Doctors and Trainers are warmly invited to a day of presentations by F1 and F2 doctors. See attached flyer for further details.

Deadline for abstract submissions 23:59 (midnight) Thursday 29 October 2020!

Evaluation of Foundation Programme Review – your participation requested

Health Education England (HEE) is conducting a three-year longitudinal evaluation to assess the effectiveness of several of the workstreams/recommendations being delivered as part of the HEE Foundation Programme Review.
As part of this evaluation, HEE are recruiting two panels to answer surveys on an annual basis throughout the evaluation:
1) Foundation Trainee Panel – if you are interested find out more and apply here
2) Faculty Panel (including educational supervisors and clinical supervisors of Foundation Trainees) – if you are interested find out more and apply here

Specialty Recruitment 2021 Webinar – Wednesday 21 October 2020

The specialty recruitment webinar recording from Wednesday 21 October 2020 can be accessed at the following link

Medical specialty applications webinar; for doctors by doctors – Tuesday 10 November 2020

This webinar is aimed at foundation doctors and medical students looking to apply for CT1/ST1 training posts in the UK. The talk will be given by doctors from a top London hospital.

More information and booking

UKFP 2021: Applicants’ Presentations

The UKFPO has created a video version of the Applicants’ Presentation, available to view below in three parts:

  • Applicants Presentation: Part One
  • Applicants Presentation: Part Two
  • Applicants Presentation: Part Three

This is a presentation for prospective applicants in 2021, providing a brief overview of the Foundation Programme and the application process.

Events, Information and Opportunities from External Partners

CRASH! podcast from The Royal College of Radiologists

The RCR 2020 Roentgen Professor has created a podcast on careers in academic Radiology and research – episode 1 out now!

Core Anaesthetics Training Interview Course

14 December 2020: See the Core Anaesthetics Training Interview Course flyer for more information. This course has been endorsed by the Royal College of Anaesthetists.

Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics – Taster Sessions

Have you considered a taster session in clinical pharmacology and therapeutics (CPT)?

Clinical pharmacology is a dynamic medical specialty promoting the safe, effective and efficient use of medicines within the NHS.

CPT trainees and consultants have diverse exciting roles in clinical practice, education, policy and research.

Key NHS priorities are tackling inappropriate polypharmacy and the development of precision medicine and pharmacogenomics.

Other roles include prescribing education, running of clinical trials, managing patients with poisoning and overdose, and contributing to drug regulation and safety through local policy and national organisations e.g. NICE/MHRA.

Trainees are encouraged to develop a therapeutic area of specialism as part of a flexible portfolio training scheme.

For more information on arranging a taster session to be at the forefront of medical training in this unique specialty, please contact to be connected with your local clinical pharmacology centre.

You can learn more about Clinical Pharmacology on the British Pharmacological Society’s website.

3rd annual Core Surgical Training Interview Course (King’s College London)

We are delighted to announce our 3rd annual Core Surgical Training Interview Course. Our course on October 24th 2020 is now fully subscribed but we have the pleasure to announce a second date on November 28th 2020. We follow the JCST updates closely and following their most recent statement, our course will run entire virtually!  

Our course consists of interactive lectures, high yield tutorials and our famous mock interview circuit. The circuit is ran by the highest scoring Core Surgical Trainees with a 2:1 examiner: candidate ratio to provide high yield and detailed feedback. This will all be run on Zoom and have been planning taking our course online for a long time. 

Due to the success of our previous candidates in achieving high rankings, we have expanded our course. We now have comprehensive online resources, as well as options for one-on-one coaching and follow up Zoom mock interviews. For more information please visit or read the attached poster.

CSH sustainable healthcare courses – online

Wed 11 Nov (0900-1300) – Introduction to Sustainable Healthcare 

Details at

One career endless opportunities #Choose GP

Applications for Round 1 2021 GP specialty training open on the 2 November – 1 December 2020. Please ‘like’ and follow the #Choose GP Facebook page to keep up to date with news and views. Please share this information and get in touch if you’d like to be featured in the NHS national campaign. The GP National Recruitment Office (GPNRO) website is the place to go for more information or we have a number of GPs and trainees who are able to help with local or general enquiries. Email Daryl to be put in touch.


MedShr is a platform where a global community of doctors and healthcare professionals share knowledge, discuss anonymous cases, critique new research, and reflect on best practice to ultimately lead to improved patient care. It is accessible on your smartphone and is designed to be compliant with GMC and GDPR guidance. The team at MedShr are working to support doctors in the UK foundation programme by establishing dedicated local, regional, and national groups to support medical education. Head over to MedShr to join the discussion. We are also looking for trainees to help run programmes for their hospital, acting as a local trainee lead to help encourage engagement with the discussions and work with seniors to ensure interesting and insightful cases are shared. If you are interested in creating a private group for your hospital or specialty, please feel free to contact the team at:

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