UKFPO Bulletin – October 2022

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With our new cohort of FDs coming up to their first end of placement reports, I felt it was a good time to use this bulletin to give a few reminders of what is needed.

Unlike Specialty Training, the Foundation programme (FP) doesn’t have its own ‘high stakes’ exam (although you need to have passed the Prescribing Safety Assessment to complete F1).  The rationale for this is that Foundation doctors have been doing exams for the last five years to show they are good enough to be doctors.  The FP is about putting all that training to work and moving from supernumerary student to active member of the healthcare workforce.  The ‘test’ for Foundation is whether FDs can practice safely and professionally in the workplace – F1s under close supervision and F2s with less close supervision.  (F2 in particular is also about broader skills and preparation for future training).

The mainstay of assessment in each placement is the Clinical Supervisor Report (CSR).  This should be written based on personal supervision and the responses of the placement supervision group (PSG) obtained via the eportfolio.  If as a clinical supervisor you haven’t sent out requests to your PSG, now is the time to do so.  It’s also time to make an appointment for November to review your FD’s progress and complete the CSR.

For the FDs, it’s time to send out requests for your Team Assessment of Behaviour (TAB).  You’ll need to do this via the eportfolio and you’ll need to look at the kind of different professionals you need to include to ensure a fair representation of your performance.  I am frequently asked about the difference between the TAB and the PSG.  The answer is fairly simple; in TAB it is the trainee who chooses who takes part and in PSG it is the supervisor.  In TAB we are looking specifically at whether you have fitted in to the workplace – Teamworking (i.e. particularly HLO2); hence, this is a crucial test to the question of whether the FD is working professionally.  In the PSG we are looking at overall performance in the workplace including clinical skills and your ability to practice safely.  (One of my colleagues puts it succinctly:  the TAB tells us if you are a nice doctor, the PSG tells us if you are a safe doctor).

The summary narrative has clearly caused some confusion and, for those struggling with it, I can only say that you are not alone.  It is a new addition to UKFP but, I think, a useful one.  FDs should have spent the last 3 months amassing evidence for their portfolio in the form of Supervised Learning Events (SLEs), simulation sessions, reflection on cases, teaching etc.  It is important that they use some of these to show they have achieved the outcomes of the curriculum.   For those that haven’t found it, the current FP Curriculum is here ( and you’re looking for Appendix 4 on page 92.  This tells you what FDs need to demonstrate to fulfil all of the 13 Foundation Professional Capabilities (FPCs) and hence the 3 outcomes (HLOs) of the FP (safe clinically, able to work in the healthcare team and aware of professional responsibilities).  All you as a FD need to do is link relevant evidence of what you have done to each FPC and then explain a bit about why you have done this in the summary narrative.  This is more or less exactly what consultants and specialty doctors do every year for their appraisals and revalidation.

As always, there is information on all this on the website.  You can also email questions to

Best wishes
Tony Choules, Operational Advisor to the UKFPO

Links and information

National Foundation Doctors Presentation Day, Friday 20 January 2023, Bristol

All Foundation Doctors are warmly invited to a day of oral and poster presentations by F1 and F2 doctors.

Current F1 or F2 doctors in recognised Foundation Programmes in the UK or Malta are invited to submit abstracts relating to work undertaken during Foundation training. Successful abstracts will be presented as 10-minute oral or 3-minute poster (mini-oral) presentations. The deadline for submitting an extract is 11:45 pm GMT on Sunday 13th November 2022.

Please click here for further details on how to apply and here for information on how to submit an abstract.

UCLMS Evening seminar – 8th November

UCL Medical School would like to invite all interested in medical education to join this FREE evening seminar:

Who: Dr Anouk Wouters, Assistant Professor at Amsterdam UMC, Research in Education, the Netherlands

Topic: Admissions to health professions education (HPE) in the Netherlands

Date: Tuesday 8th November, 5-6pm GMT

Register: online – & in person (limited capacity)-

Description: This presentation covers the turbulent history of HPE admissions in the Netherlands, the current scientific evidence, and implications for research and practice. The topic of HPE, and particularly medical school admissions policies has always received a lot of public and political attention in the Netherlands. Throughout the years, research findings have contributed to changes from a lottery procedure to multi-step selection processes, and recently the possibility to use lottery again was announced. Within this, concerns about how this may affect student diversity have increased. The presentation will highlight findings regarding the effectiveness of lottery and selection procedures, stakeholder views, and issues of diversity and equity.

Organisers: Research Department of Medical Education, UCL Medical school

Please direct queries to

Mentoring and Ambassador Opportunity

In2MedSchool is the UK’s leading widening participation initiative. We are a group of 2,500 medical student and junior doctor volunteers who offer free 1:1 mentorship for underprivileged school children throughout their application to medical school and beyond! We also create resources and run events to support those applying to higher education from widening access backgrounds. 

We are currently recruiting mentors across the UK, to support Year 12 and 13 school students in their local area. This is a very rewarding opportunity, which provides teaching and volunteering experience, but most importantly helps provide much needed support to students whose dream is to follow in your footsteps. 

We are also recruiting doctors to join our initiative as ambassadors. One of the main hurdles these children face is obtaining the valuable work experience that medical schools require. In2MedSchool has a nationwide programme to help these children with this. The role of an ambassador is to design, organise and facilitate a five-day long work experience placement for one prospective medical student. We will provide you with an in-depth manual to help you contact your local trust, plan the placement itself and fulfil learning outcomes. We will then match you with a local student who you will be mentoring for their placement.

Sign-up for both or either role here:

If you have any comments, questions, or ideas, please don’t hesitate to contact us. 

Wales Mentorship Co-ordinator:

England Mentorship Co-ordinators:

Ambassadors Division:

ASPIRE to Excellence 2023 Award Submissions are Open!

The ASPIRE-to-Excellence Award programme was established to go beyond the traditional accreditation process, and to identify, recognise and reward world-class excellence in education.

The aim of the programme is to highlight, showcase and exemplify best-practice in healthcare professions education, improving the education process and outcomes of other institutions around the world.

Application Deadlines:

Inspirational Approaches to Health Professions Education: 1 November 2022.

All other categories: 28 February 2023.

ASPIRE-to-Excellence Criteria and Application Forms

Award Categories

  • Student Assessment    
  • Student Engagement
  • Social Accountability
  • Faculty Development
  • Simulation
  • Curriculum Development
  • Technology Enhanced Learning
  • International Collaboration in Health Professions Education
  • Inspirational Approaches to Health Professions Education

Seeking senior advice: Foundation elearning programme update (October 2022)

Welcome to your October 2022 update from the Foundation elearning programme. This month focuses on where, when, and why to seek senior advice throughout your training.

The Foundation elearning programme has been developed specifically for Foundation doctors by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges in partnership with Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh), and is approved by the UK Foundation Programme (UKFPO).

The sessions listed below cover key areas in your curriculum on:  

  • FPC 1: Clinical Assessment
  • FPC 2: Clinical Prioritisation
  • FPC 3: Holistic Planning
  • FPC 4: Communication and Care
  • FPC 5: Continuity of Care
  • FPC 6: Sharing the Vision
  • FPC 9: Quality Improvement
  • FPC 12: Continuing Professional Development

The sessions aim to enhance your knowledge around safe medical practice, when to stop and seek help, and explaining evidence, guidelines and protocols to patients.


The Foundation programme has a range of other sessions that might help you. Please log in to the programme page to view more.

Accessing the elearning

You can sign on to the elearning with your login supplied by elearning for healthcare at any time during your foundation training:

Horus and Turas have deep links to elearning for healthcare sessions from the Foundation Curriculum and are therefore accessible to all trainees, making it quicker and easier to access the appropriate session linked to the curriculum.

An evaluation survey is also available to capture feedback on these sessions.
