UKFPO Bulletin: 8 September 2021

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In this week’s bulletin, I’d like to mention careers.

Some of those in F2 will be thinking about specialty application which opens for most in November.  There’s a link to a webinar below and something about academic careers.  Some will be thinking of a career break and there is information about this on HEE’s Beyond Foundation website – make sure you check out the GMC licensing requirements.

As a former careers advisor, I would urge all Foundation Doctors to take a little time this month to reflect on their future and, if necessary, seek advice.  Remember that FDs can undertake ‘taster’ sessions in specialties to find out more about them (if unsure ask at your local postgraduate centre) and most consultants/GPs are usually very happy to talk about their work/career – all you have to do is ask.  For those that want to think about it more carefully (and everyone should) there are modules on eLfH to focus your thoughts about work and life.  I would encourage you to look at them.

F1s who have a career plan already might like to think about developing their portfolio/building their CV to increase the chances of success in competitive application.

The world of medical careers – training/non-training, run-though, subspecialisation, LTFT training etc. can feel a bit daunting and is even more so if you have not trained in the UK.  Make sure you take time to understand it and, if necessary discuss your plans with your educational supervisor or FPTD.

And, remember, planning a career is one of the Foundation FPCs (13: Understand the breadth of medical practice and plan a career)..

Tony Choules, Operational Advisor to the UKFPO

2022 Specialty recruitment webinar

The Medical and Dental Recruitment and Selection (MDRS) team are holding a webinar on Wednesday 15 September at 7pm for trainees. The webinar will provide all the latest information and updates on the upcoming recruitment round for 2022 specialty training. This is relevant to all trainees across the UK.

Here’s the link to join on the day

Reminder: UKFPO F1 trainee induction survey

New F1 doctors, please complete the UKFPO F1 trainee induction survey, which is open until the end of September 2021. This is part of a long term project to identify any concerns/anxieties you may have about starting your F1 post. The information you provide will help to develop a realistic evaluation of the induction programme and help us to improve working life for future trainees. It should only take you approximately 10 minutes to complete. The survey is anonymous and your thoughts and comments are greatly appreciated. See further information in this invitation letter.

Events, Information and Opportunities from External Partners

Clinical Academic Training Posts for FY Trainees

NIHR Academic Clinical Fellow posts 2022

Would you like to find out more about the ACF programme? Interested in pursuing an academic career?  Then join our free Webinars to find out more about ACF opportunities available in the West Midlands.

The sessions will be hosted by:

Dr Lukas Foggensteiner, Associate Dean for Academic Programmes, HEE West Midlands/ Consultant Nephrologist

Dr David Nicholl, TPD for Academic Medicine, HEE West Midlands/Consultant Neurologist

Charlotte Maybury, Clinical Academic Training Programme Manager, University of Birmingham

The sessions will take place as follows:

Tuesday 21st September at 6pm with Dr Lukas Foggensteiner and Charlotte Maybury, plus current and previous ACFs, click HERE to join.

Thursday 30th September at 1pm with Dr David Nicholl and Charlotte Maybury, plus current and previous ACFs, click HERE to join.

Marina Soltan, former Respiratory Medicine ACF, speaks about the virtues of ACF pathways.

Applications for the ACF programme open on Monday 4th October and close on Monday 1st November 2021.  Details of the posts available and the application process will be available on the NIHR webpage soon, so now is an excellent time to find out more information about the programme.

Webinar 16 Sep – Beat – Eating disorders training

Beat are running a webinar on 16 September designed to guide educators through delivering the scenario-based element of their eating disorders training package. More details can be found here.

Genito-urinary medicine recruitment – Monday 4 October 2021, 09:00-16:30, virtual

Are you interested in a career in Genitourinary Medicine?

Please join Health Education England virtually for a day of talks aimed to give an overview of the speciality. (Please note this is not a training day)

  • Learn about what the specialty involves
  • Understand training requirements, the curriculum and how it is delivered
  • Find out about research opportunities and out of programme experiences
  • Explore a day in the life of GUM SPRs
  • Receive an overview of common sexual health and HIV scenarios

Registration and admission is free.  Please click here for more information.

Foundation elearning programme – September 2021 update

Do you know how to assess and manage the treatment of the acutely unwell, the assessment and management of a patient’s fluid status, the presentation and management of sepsis and arterial blood gas sampling and interpretation?

Available in elearning for healthcare’s Foundation Programme (2021 curriculum), these sessions cover areas in your curriculum on: FPC 1: Clinical Assessment, FPC 2: Clinical Prioritisation, FPC 3: Holistic Planning, FPC 4: Communication and Care and FPC 5: Continuity of Care:

You can sign on to the elearning with your login supplied by elearning for healthcare at any time during your foundation training:

Horus and Turas have deep links to elearning for healthcare sessions from the Foundation curriculum and therefore accessible to all trainees, making it quicker and easy to access the appropriate session linked to the curriculum.