UKFPO Bulletin: 11th November 2020
National Foundation Doctors Presentation Day – Friday 15 January 2021 | Virtual Conference
All Foundation Doctors and Trainers are warmly invited to a day of presentations by F1 and F2 doctors. See attached flyer for further details.
Evaluation of Foundation Programme Review – your participation requested
Health Education England (HEE) is conducting a three-year longitudinal evaluation to assess the effectiveness of several of the workstreams/recommendations being delivered as part of the HEE Foundation Programme Review.
As part of this evaluation, HEE are recruiting two panels to answer surveys on an annual basis throughout the evaluation:
1) Foundation Trainee Panel – if you are interested find out more and apply here
2) Faculty Panel (including educational supervisors and clinical supervisors of Foundation Trainees) – if you are interested find out more and apply here.
The HEE National Education and Training Survey (NETS) (England only)
The HEE National Education and Training Survey (NETS) is now open and will remain open for four weeks until 30 November. The NETS is the only national survey open to all health and care trainees and students across all clinical learning environments. Toolkits and further information available on the HEE NETS web page.
Events, Information and Opportunities from External Partners
East Midlands School of Paediatrics Virtual Open Evening
Foundation trainees are welcome to join our Information webinar for potential applicants to paediatrics on Thursday 12th November 17:00-18:30.
This is your chance to find out about:
- Paediatric training in the East Midlands
- Living and working in the East Midlands
- Opportunities within the training programme
- The trainee’s perspective
The evening will finish with a Q&A session. We will answer questions asked via the chat on the evening but if you have any specific questions or areas you would like us to cover in advance please submit these to with the subject “Paediatrics Open Evening 2020”.
Click here to join the webinar
Internal Medicine Training Programme survey
You may be aware that the Internal Medicine Training Programme launched in 2019 with Internal Medicine Stage 1 and is now in its second year. We are keen to gather feedback on the impact so far of this programme which represents a significant shift in the stance of physician training. We are keen to gather this feedback, not only from those engaged in the programme (programme direct beneficiaries) but also those not in the programme, those who have not chosen physician training and those in other clinical groups who may come into contact with IMT trainees.
The survey is available via weblink and QR code:

The survey should take no longer than 15 minutes to complete. In line with GDPR, all responses will be kept anonymous and confidential. No identifiable data will be collected.
The survey is open until 20th November.
If you have any questions about the evaluation, please contact Katherine Troeller at
3rd annual Core Surgical Training Interview Course (King’s College London)
We are delighted to announce our 3rd annual Core Surgical Training Interview Course. Our course on October 24th 2020 was a huge success, with constructive and complimentary feedback from our candidates and 40 CST examiners. We follow the JCST updates closely and following their most recent statement, our course will run entirely virtually! Our 28th November course is now sold out, but we are pleased to announce a 3rd and final date on the 12th December.
Our course consists of interactive lectures and our famous mock interview circuit. The circuit is run by the highest scoring Core Surgical Trainees with a 4:1 examiner: candidate ratio to provide high yield and detailed feedback. Our format is as closely linked to the JCST update on surgical recruitment. We aim for each candidate to have at least 2 mock interviews and observe 2 further mock interviews.
Due to the success of our previous candidates in achieving high rankings, we have expanded our course. We now have comprehensive online resources. A subscription to these gives a 10% discount for our December course! For more information please visit or read the attached flyer.