UKFPO Fellow biographies and projects

Previous UKFPO Fellow bios

I’m Aysha Nijamudeen, a UKFPO Fellow and F2 doctor at the Manchester Royal Infirmary. I applied for the Fellowship as I’m passionate about improving training and conditions for doctors and wished to be involved with initiatives for the Foundation Programme and to represent my colleagues on a wider basis. I have enjoyed this Fellowship as it has given me the opportunity to deliver a project that will hopefully improve training opportunities for future foundation doctors, but it has also helped me understand the roles of the different governing bodies, and how decisions are made that impact upon our training and working lives.

Projects and events I have been involved in are: 

–  Improving training opportunities for foundation doctors by looking at protected time on rotas 
– Presenting the above project at multiple national UKFPO meetings and working with stakeholders on implementation 
– Working with the AoMRC Trainee Doctor’s Committee on improving conditions to retain doctors 
– Working with NHS Employers on standardised payroll guidance
– Chairing the Foundation Doctors’ Advisory Board (FDAB) meetings 
– Working with foundation doctor representatives nationally on improving guidance for core teaching 

Hi, my name is Doanna Daoud and I am an F2 at The University Hospital of North Durham in the North East and I have had the pleasure of working alongside the UKFPO as a fellow. In my role as a UKFPO Fellow, I’ve embarked on an enriching journey of discovery in leadership and management within the realm of medicine. Immersed in meetings that unveil the intricate layers of healthcare, I’ve found excitement in exploring a different facet of the profession. Crafting my own project, I’ve delved deep into the nuances of project development and navigating the complexities of creating a national teaching course. Forging connections with diverse professionals has been instrumental in my professional growth, offering insights into my own capabilities as a future leader in medicine. 

One highlight of my experience was judging oral presentations at the UKFPO national foundation doctors’ presentation day (NFDPD), a newfound skill that I otherwise may have not been able to explore as an F2. As a creative individual, I thrive on the process of creation, and this role has illuminated the possibilities for innovation within the medical field. Through these experiences, I’ve come to realize my potential to lead with creativity in a domain often governed by tradition, laying the groundwork for a future defined by inventive approaches to healthcare leadership.

Hello, I’m Wassim Merzougui, one of the UKFPO Fellows based in the East Midlands. The UKFPO leadership fellowship is a great opportunity to learn more about academia and develop your own leadership skills. You are given the opportunity to learn and work with various HEE members, in order to improve foundation training for doctors nationally.

Personally, some of the projects that I have been involved in are:  

– Presenting at several UKFPO conferences/webinars
– Creating a national teaching series to aid new foundation trainees settle into their foundation posts
– Working closely with various organisations and developing policies to enhance foundation training  
– Working to improve communications between the UKFPO and foundation trainees through newly created materials

UKFPO Fellow projects