BMJ Best Practice
BMJ Best Practice is an authoritative clinical decision support tool provided free at the point of use to all NHS staff and learners, funded by Health Education England. Accessible 24/7 via app, website and EHR integration, it informs evidence-based clinical decision making at the point of care and supports continuous professional development.
To learn more and download the app, go to or click on the banner below where there is also a Junior Doctor Induction Toolkit with an Animation and interactive flyer produced to coincide with rotations and new Doctors arriving in trusts in August.
CPR in Schools
#CPRinSchools is a national initiative for trainee healthcare professionals to teach cardiopulmonary resuscitation to children in schools. This initiative has gained significant support nationally from both senior and junior doctors including the UKFPO, GMC and Royal Colleges. So far, training has been delivered to over 1000 school children and has gained newspaper coverage and significant support on social media (contact @marinasoltan_ if you want to know more).
#CPRinSchools – Information for foundation doctors and medical education managers
Ethics for foundation doctors
The Severn Foundation School have shared a presentation they deliver to foundation doctors as part of a workshop on ethics. Educators and foundation doctors are welcome to use this presentation.
Foundation Doctors Advisory Board (FDAB)
The role of the Foundation Doctors Advisory Board is to help shape improvements to Foundation Programme training across the UK through dialogue between foundation doctor representatives from all UK foundation schools and the UKFPO, and to help promote and raise awareness of the role and work of the UKFPO.
Foundation Programme Review
In 2018–2019 the HEE Foundation Programme Review heard evidence from a wide range of stakeholders, including foundation doctors, about the challenges faced by those entering foundation training. A number of recommendations were made in the final report. A summary of the recommendations is on page 7.
A follow up report published in 2020 outlines progress and contains practical information to assist with implementation.
Further information about the review and what has happened since its recommendations were published is available on the HEE website.
Medical Defence Union: Health and Wellbeing E-learning Resources
The Advisory Services team at the Medical Defence Union provide medico-legal advice to their members spanning medical students through to consultants. They have developed a free e-learning package on well-being. This was written by one of their senior medico-legal advisers, who was a consultant psychiatrist before he joined the MDU, and contains insights from thought leaders in this field.
The e-learning package is accessible to members and non-members of the MDU and is specifically aimed at foundation doctors. It can be accessed here.
Near-peer mentoring programme
Click here to watch a podcast by the North-Tees & Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust describing their near-peer Foundation mentor programme.
NHS England enhance programme bitesize learning
Watch the recording of the enhance programme bitesize learning taken from an FDAB meeting held on 2 November 2023, focusing on the new programme and what it has to offer for foundation doctors.
Recommendations for Safe Foundation Doctor Changeover
Doctors in training in the UK have historically started new six-monthly rotations in February and August, with the majority of junior doctors rotating to new training programmes during the first week of August. There is an increasing body of evidence to suggest that simultaneous foundation doctor changeover is associated with higher mortality, reduced efficiency and lower satisfaction. The Academy and NHS Employers have worked with partner organisations to develop simple, practical recommendations that can help mitigate these problems.
Recommendations for Safe Foundation Doctor Changeover
Self-development time
Guidance on the NHS Employers website and the Health Education England website (including specific guidance about self-development time (SDT) for foundation doctors in England).
Support for Doctors
There are a range of organisations, services and websites which offer help and support to doctors. The AoMRC website signposts support available: Support for Doctors
Here is a link to Carrie’s blog which explains the thinking behind this initiative: Carrie MacEwen Blogpost – December 2018
The AoMRC recognise that the list of organisations and resources will not be comprehensive. They want to keep the information live and refreshed so if you think there are organisations which they should include please send the details including the appropriate web-link to
Train the Trainer
A UKFPO and HEE collaboration, delivered first in 2019, and refreshed in 2020: