The UKFPO understands that you may wish to revise and prepare for the SJT with each other in small groups. However, sharing information about the actual test is unacceptable and is considered unprofessional behaviour.
The SJT uses many different equated test forms and therefore knowledge of questions in one paper will not necessarily benefit others. Please be reminded that entry to foundation training at F2 level is a competitive process. As part of the test, you will be asked to sign a non-disclosure form.
Practice paper
This practice paper is designed to provide you with examples of the types of questions and response format you can expect in the exam. It is not a full length exam paper.
F2 Stand-alone SJT Practice Paper with Rationales [.pdf, 126KB]
Glossary of terms
Glossary of terms in the operational test to assist with reducing differential attainment (specifically for applicants whose first language is not English).
Coming soon
A practice paper paper to familiarise you with how the testing platform works is also available on the Pearson VUE website.