Preferencing and Offers

If you are deemed appointable at interview, you will be invited to rank your preferences of available programmes on Oriel. You are not required to rank all programmes – you should only rank the programmes you would be happy to accept. For information on when offers will be released, please refer to the recruitment timeline.


Once the preferencing window has opened, you will be able to rank available programmes in Oriel.

After logging into Oriel, you will be able to view the details of the rotation(s) by clicking on the individual programme. You can also download a list of the available programmes in an Excel compatible file.

1) Log into Oriel.

2) Click on the Applications tab from your dashboard.

3) Once you have clicked on the Applications tab, you will be presented with your application form. Click into your application form. You can also update your preferences via the Preferences tab on your dashboard.

4) Programmes will appear by default in the Not wanted column. Drag and drop individual programmes into the Preference column in order of your chosen preference.

5) You must save your preferences using the Save button in the top right-hand corner of the screen.

You will not be considered for any programmes that are left in the Not wanted column.

The use of mobile browsers is not supported for this page. Please use a PC browser for this function.

Programmes will appear by default in the Not wanted column. If you do not take any action during the preferencing window, all programmes will remain in the Not wanted column. As you will not be considered for any programmes that are left in the Not wanted column, you will not receive any offers.


You will be given a unique rank based on your interview score. Offers will be based on a meritocratic algorithm whereby the highest scoring applicant will be matched to their highest programme preference choice available. Oriel will work through each applicant in rank order and attempt to match applicants to their highest available programme choice.

Non-urgent advice: Important

As recruitment to F2 Stand-alone is a competitive process, it is important to remember that being deemed appointable at interview does not guarantee that you will receive an offer.

  • You are advised to familiarise yourself with the offers schedule to avoid missing key deadlines to respond to offers made.
  • If you receive an offer, you will be given 48 hours to respond.
  • If you miss the deadline to accept or decline an offer, the offer will expire and will automatically be declined. You will not receive any further offers.
  • If you receive an offer, you will not receive any further offers in subsequent rounds and will not be eligible for clearing.
  • If you decline an offer, you will not receive any further offers and will not be eligible for clearing.
  • If all of the programmes you have ranked in the Preference column have been offered to higher scoring applicants, your application will be included in the clearing process.

It is important to note that the NHS is a constantly changing system and even after offers have been made for a particular programme, there will be situations when placements within that programme may change because of service redesign, working time directive regulations or national UK-wide directives.

Offers that have been made are displayed within the Offers tab of your dashboard. To respond, update, or view your offer, click on the vacancy name to find out more.

1) Log into Oriel.

2) Click on the Offers tab from your dashboard.

3) To accept or decline an offer, click on the appropriate button from the Offer/Actions section of the offer summary. You will be taken to a confirmation screen.

4) You must ensure that you tick the confirmation checkbox before you click the Confirm button in order to confirm your response.

5) A green confirmation message box will be displayed at the top of the screen when you have successfully submitted your response.

Non-urgent advice: Declining an offer

If you receive an offer for a programme that you do not wish to accept and you choose to decline the offer, your application will not be included in the clearing offers process.


It is possible that additional vacancies will arise after the initial offers rounds for F2 Stand-alone recruitment have concluded. Any such vacancies will be included in the clearing process. If you did not receive an offer during the initial offers period, you may receive an offer through the clearing process.

If you do not wish to be considered in the clearing process, you must notify the UKFPO by the deadline. This will allow other applicants who still wish to be considered for offers the opportunity to be offered a post.

  • If you are included in the clearing process, you will be invited to rank programme preferences available in the clearing process. Preferences from the initial preferencing window will not be carried forward into the clearing process.
  • You can only receive one offer in clearing. If you receive an offer in a clearing round, you will only be able to accept or decline the offer.
  • You will have 48 hours to respond to offers from the time at which the offer was made. After this time, the offer will expire and will automatically be declined.

Non-urgent advice: Important

If you have accepted or declined an offer during the first clearing round, you will not receive any further offers during the next clearing round.

Any unfilled vacancies will be released to employers for local recruitment to Locum Appointments to Service (LAS) posts. All service posts will be advised on the NHS Jobs website.