F2 Stand-alone 2025 – Supporting information

There is an opportunity in this section to provide details of any additional undergraduate and/or postgraduate qualifications you have obtained and information about training courses you have attended.
  • Competences, experience, clinical knowledge and skills
  • Additional Undergraduate Degrees and Qualifications
  • Postgraduate Degrees and Qualification
  • Immediate Life Support (ILS)
  • Training courses attended

You will be able to include any information about achievements outside of medicine and details about any publications or prizes you might have obtained in this section. You are also able to provide information about your practical experiences of audit, research and teaching.

  • Teaching and audit
  • Presentations and publications
  • Supporting information

Further information: Immediate Life Support (ILS) and equivalents

You are expected to demonstrate that you have completed ILS, ALS or equivalent by the start of the F2 programme. If you have not already completed ILS at the time of application, you should discuss this with your foundation school and employing organisation if your application is successful and you are appointed to a training programme.

Acceptable ILS equivalent certificates
  • Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) – valid for 2 years
  • Advanced Life Support (ALS) – valid for 4 years

Note that ILS is valid for 1 year.