
The UKFPO facilitates the operation and continuing development of the Foundation Programme. The UKFPO is jointly funded and governed by NHS England (NHSE) and the four UK Health Departments.

The UK Foundation Programme Office manages the national application process for the Foundation Programme. The UKFPO also issues guidance on Foundation training and promotes the consistent delivery of the Foundation Programme across the UK. Working with partners, the UKFPO enables sharing of good practice to help raise the standards of training.

Key Objectives

  • Allocating approximately 8,000 UK medical graduates to F1 training programmes across the UK
  • Managing eligibility application process for non-UK graduates
  • Recruiting to stand-alone programmes across the UK
  • Oversight of the development and production of the UK Foundation Programme Curriculum
  • Responsibility for ensuring appropriate tools are available in order for foundation doctors to complete the online e-Portfolio in line with the requirements and core content of the curriculum