This timeline provides key dates and deadlines for application to the F2 Stand-alone 2025 Programme.
Non-urgent advice: Application window
The application window for F2 Stand-alone 2025 will openĀ 07 January 2025 and close 21 January 2025 (12:00 midday, GMT).
January 2025
07 – 21 January (12:00 midday, GMT)
The national application window opens on 07 January 2025 and closes 21 January 2025 (12:00 midday, GMT). Applications must be submitted on Oriel. Late applications will not be considered under any circumstances.
If you need to take PLAB, PLAB 1 must already be completed and passed at the point of application.
16 January
If you have passed PLAB 1 and do not have PLAB 2 booked on or before 09 May 2025, you should request a PLAB 2 booking directly from the GMC by no later than 16 January 2025. You should provide the GMC with a screenshot from Oriel showing that your F2 Stand-alone application is still active.
29 January
Longlisting outcomes released to applicants.
30 January
SJT reasonable adjustments outcomes released to applicants.
30 January – 03 February (12:00 midday, GMT)
Appeal submission window for SJT reasonable adjustment outcomes.
February 2025
04 February
SJT reasonable adjustments appeal outcomes released to applicants
06 – 12 February (12:00 midday, GMT)
Longlisted applicants invited to book their Situational Judgement Test appointment.
March 2025
04 – 11 March
Situational Judgement Test (SJT) testing window.
April 2025
07 April
SJT outcomes shared with applicants.
07 – 11 April (12:00 midday, BST)
Applicants invited to book interview slots on Oriel.
24, 25, 28, 29 and 30 April
Interviews take place. Applicants will attend a 20-minute panel interview (remotely through MS Teams) using national scoring criteria.
May 2025
Throughout May
Applicants must apply for full registration with the General Medical Council (GMC). Note: applicants should begin their application process with EPIC (Electronic Portfolio of International Credentials) as early as possible and before they begin their GMC application. Applicants cannot start their online application for registration with the GMC until they have an EPIC reference number. EPIC application does not need to be completed before starting GMC registration application.
06 May
Interview outcomes released to applicants.
09 May
Latest date to sit PLAB 2.
06 – 13 May (12:00 midday, BST)
Programme preferencing window opens on Oriel. Applicants should rank all programmes they wish to be considered for in the preference column, and any they would not accept offers for in the not wanted column.
14 – 16 May (12:00 midday, BST)
Round 1 offers released (48 hours for applicants to respond).
21 – 23 May (12:00 midday, BST)
Round 2 offers released (48 hours for applicants to respond).
28 – 30 May (12:00 midday, BST)
Round 3 offers released (48 hours for applicants to respond).
14 May – 13 June
Reference requests sent and collected through Oriel for round 1, 2 and 3 appointments.
June 2025
02 June
Round 1, 2 and 3 appointee information released to employing organisations.
04 June
Applicants should receive their PLAB 2 results from the GMC on or before this date.
09 June (12:00 midday, BST)
Applicants must forward the email confirmation they receive from the GMC which states that they have met the required standard for part 2 of the PLAB test, by no later than 12:00 midday (BST) on 09 June 2025. Evidence must be sent to, quoting the Oriel PIN number associated with their UKFP application.
11 – 17 June (12:00 midday, BST)
Clearing round programme preferencing window opens (for any additional posts).
13 June
Final date for applicants to submit their application for GMC registration.
18 – 20 June (12:00 midday, BST)
Clearing round 1 offers released (48 hours for applicants to respond).
25 – 27 June (12:00 midday, BST)
Clearing round 2 offers released (48 hours for applicants to respond)
27 June – 11 July
Reference requests sent and collected through Oriel for clearing rounds.
30 June
Clearing round appointee information released to employing organisations.
July 2025
27 June – 11 July
Reference requests sent and collected through Oriel for clearing rounds.
August 2025
06 August
F2 Stand-alone training programme commences.
Note: Individual employer-organised shadowing and induction period may start earlier than 06 August 2025. Exact start dates will be confirmed by the employing organisation.