UKFPO Fellow Project Summary – Unconscious Bias

Beyond the blindspot: Unravelling unconscious bias

Contact Dr Doanna Daoud (UKFPO Fellow 2023/24) for any queries:

Why unconscious bias?

Unconscious bias refers to the automatic and unintentional stereotypes or judgments that influence our behavior and decisions without our conscious awareness. In healthcare, learning about unconscious bias is crucial as it can significantly impact patient care and outcomes. Biases can affect colleague interactions, clinical decisions, patient interactions, and the overall quality of care, potentially leading to disparities and inequities. By understanding and addressing unconscious biases, healthcare professionals can improve their awareness, foster more equitable treatment, enhance patient trust, and ultimately deliver better, more compassionate care.

Survey results

Local survey of 182 FD’s show > 65% have personally observed a situation in their workplace where unconscious bias may have influenced a clinical decision. While >65 % have never received formal training on recognizing and addressing unconscious bias during or outside of medical school.

Regional teaching feedback of 577 FD’s show >80% of FD’s rate the educational content excellent or good with many positive comments on the topics relevancy and importance.

The project’s purpose

This workshop was designed to promote understanding of unconscious bias and its effects, while also providing trainees with valuable presentation experience essential for their professional growth. Accompanied by a facilitator guide, this presentation is intended to be easy to adopt and deliver in any location and setting, helping to spread awareness and drive positive change.

Workshop resources

Facilitator Presentation:

Facilitator guide