UKFPO Fellowship application process

This page explains the process for recruiting UKFPO Fellows and is aimed at foundation year 1 doctors.

How to prepare and submit an application

Preparing an application 

Foundation doctors can contact the current UKFPO Fellows to discuss their project / experience by emailing expressing you wish to be in contact with the current UKFPO Fellows and the UKFPO will facilitate communication via the email address you provide.


  • Advert – February
  • Application window – Approximately 1 week in March
  • Shortlisting – Late March
  • Invites to interview – Early April
  • Interviews – Late April
  • Commence in post – Start of F2 year, August

Submitting an application

  • Applications are submitted via a Microsoft Form. 
  • The application form consists of three sections noted below: 

(1) Personal details

(2) Employing organisation/foundation school details

(3) Four written statements (each 150 words) explaining your motivations for applying. All answers will be capped at 150 words before being presented to the shortlisting panel. Splitting answers into paragraphs will not impact the application. The four questions will not be released before the application period.   

  • Once an application is submitted successfully, the page will redirect to a thank you message with the option to download the submission. There is no automatic confirmation email.
  • If a mistake has been made on an application, do not re-submit the application. Instead, email with the corrections and the UKFPO can make the amendments.  

Job description and interview preparation

The aim of leadership development in Postgraduate Medical Education is to focus on learning through a longitudinal process of personal development rather than purely isolated programmes in any one set place in time. Learning is different for everyone, and a variety of learning styles should always be considered. The underlying assumption is that leadership is learnt. This requires three types of experience: challenging assignments (70%); developmental relationships (20%); coursework and training (10%).

During the course of the fellowship the UKFPO Fellow will have the opportunity to acquire, develop and share knowledge and skills in medical education and leadership and will be challenged to think and behave differently in the role.

The knowledge and skills acquired through this post will provide education and leadership experience and it is anticipated that by the end of the secondment, the UKFPO Fellow will be equipped to identify themselves as an emerging medical education leader and to promote and disseminate learning in leadership to others.

Selection process
– Applicants must be a fully registered doctor working within the UK Foundation Programme at the point of taking up the position and are expected to have full GMC registration at the time of appointment. This means applicants will apply during their F1 year and start in the UKFPO Fellow post in their F2 year. Applications are open to applicants on the Specialised Foundation Programme (SFP) and Foundation Priority Programme (FPP) as well as the standard Foundation Programme (UKFP). Applications are welcome from foundation doctors working less than full time (LTFT) / out of sync, where logistics concerning start and end dates will be discussed upon a successful outcome at interview.
– Only doctors expecting an Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP) outcome 1 at the end of their F1 year will be considered for the fellowship.
– Only doctors completing a 2 Year Foundation Programme in the UK and are nearing the end of their Foundation year 1 are eligible to apply. Doctors applying for the F2 Stand-alone programme are not eligible.
– Working days can be flexible, dependent on the clinical commitment, however the successful applicants must be available for fellowship work an average of one day per week.
– The UKFPO are looking for enthusiastic foundation doctors who are able to manage their own time effectively and who wish to use this opportunity to develop leadership skills, so that they will be well-placed in the future to lead and to disseminate their leadership training and ethos.
– The UKFPO are looking for excellent communication skills, capable team working, an understanding of the need to handle sensitive information appropriately, and a desire to succeed within the various challenges and opportunities that the fellowship presents.
– The culture of the UKFPO is one of support, openness and providing equal opportunity to everyone; those working for us are expected to show empathy and courtesy at all times.
– It would be desirable for the post-holder to have an interest in education, leadership and research.


– Applications for the UKFPO Fellowship will be managed through a Microsoft Form. The link will be provided at the opening of the application window. Application questions will not be published ahead of time, but applicants should consider what information they would like to share with the shortlisting panel to support their application before the window opens.
– All shortlisted applicants must gain support from both their employing organisation for their F2 year and their F2 Foundation School Director (FSD) in advance of the interview.
We will close the vacancy after the first 100 applications are received, even if this happens before the intended close of the application window. We will not accept any more than 100 applications.

Applicants will be shortlisted in accordance with the eligibility criteria and in the context of the strategic aims and objectives of the UKFPO. Shortlisters will include the Operational Advisor to the UKFPO, and a Foundation School Director (FSD) or UKFPO Lead Dean.

Shortlisted applicants will be invited to attend a panel interview via Microsoft Teams, where they will have the opportunity to present their ideas for the work they might like to undertake if they were to be appointed to the UKFPO Fellowship role.

There is scope to offer up to two UKFPO Fellowship roles.

Start Date and Tenure
UKFPO Fellowship posts will commence at the start of the training year in August, for the duration of the F2 year (that is, until July).

Time Commitment
The UKFPO Fellow will spend an average of 1 day per week (0.2 WTE) working in the role, undertaking a specific project with supervision and working with the UKFPO team, including foundation doctor representatives. There will be the opportunity to attend UKFPO and external meetings. The remaining time in the working week (0.8 WTE) will be spent on standard clinical duties within the post-holder’s existing F2 programme.

Working days can be flexible, dependent on the clinical commitment, but UKFPO Fellows will be available to conduct leadership work for an average of one day per week.

The UKFPO secondment will be recognised as training.

UKFPO Fellows will be supervised by a named member of the UKFPO senior clinical team.

The successful post-holder will be required to attend relevant online meetings. There may also be a requirement to travel and attend relevant meetings/events, typically in Birmingham or London. Reimbursement will be provided for reasonable travel costs incurred. The post-holder will be expected to work closely with the UKFPO team. It is expected that routine communications with the team and relevant stakeholders will be conducted via email/Teams facilities.

Financial Information
Successful applicants will undertake the UKFPO Fellowship as part of their allocated F2 programme. The expectation is for the employing organisation to continue paying the full F2 salary and for successful applicants to be seconded to the UKFPO for the equivalent of one day per week.

Coursework and Training (10%)
Depending on previous experience, UKFPO Fellows should consider enrolling in a leadership programme (for example Edward Jenner), coaching or mentorship training or other relevant courses. (4-5 days)

Developing Relationships (20%)
The UKFPO Fellow will engage with a variety of stakeholders both in the UKFPO and related organisations, attending, where necessary, meetings to represent the UKFPO. (9-10 days)
Examples of Internal Meetings:
– Foundation School Directors (FSD) committee meeting
– UKFP Board
– Education and Support Delivery Group (EDG)
– Recruitment Delivery Group (RDG)

Examples of External Meetings:
– Medical Schools Council Transitional Advisory Group
– GMC Equality and Diversity
– AoMRC Committees including Foundation Programme Committee

The UKFPO Fellow should discuss their areas of interest to select which of the above (or other similar meetings) might best support their development.

In particular, the UKFPO Fellows will use their role to build relationships with foundation doctors to develop a positive engagement with the UKFPO and is expected to play an active role in the Foundation Doctors’ Advisory Board (FDAB), including chairing meetings.

The UKFPO Fellows is also required to assist in the recruitment of the succeeding UKFPO Fellows.

Challenging Assignments (70%)
As part of the training programme, the UKFPO Fellow will undertake a project or series of projects that align with the goals of the UKFPO. At the start of the secondment, the UKFPO Fellow should draw up a plan and timeline and discuss it with their supervisor. Regular meetings will be arranged to ensure progress and support within the secondment.

Some discussion of potential projects will take place at the interview.

Projects may include the development of training and other materials for the UKFPO and engagement of/presentation to key stakeholders. The UKFPO Fellow is also encouraged to share their work at appropriate national/international conferences e.g. AMEE, DEMEC, FMLM etc. as appropriate.
Applicants invited to interview are required to submit a completed and signed proforma to by the given deadline. Applications will be withdrawn if evidence of support from your foundation school and employing organisation has not been provided.

The proforma details:
(1) applicant details – applicants current F1 details 
(2) foundation school details – signed and dated by the Foundation School Director
(3) employing organisation details – signed and dated by a representative from the applicants F2 employing organisation, either the educational supervisor the medical staffing team.

– Interviews take place virtually and candidates should install ‘Microsoft Teams’ on their device. This is free to download. 
– Please ensure you have a suitable location with reliable IT facilities. We recommend not attending this interview in a public space such as a coffee shop, to avoid distractions.
– Applicants should dial in 5 minutes prior to their interview and will be placed in a ‘virtual lobby’ until the interview panel is ready.
– Applicants must bring identification to the interview for verification.
Applicants who are invited for interview are required to provide confirmation that they have the support of their FSD and F2 employer to undertake the UKFPO Fellow role if they are successful.

Please complete this form as part of the application.